The Best and Worst Foods for Abdominal Fat

The Best and Worst Foods for Abdominal Fat  we should know. In addition, foods that are unhealthy also have a big influence on the accumulation of abdominal fat , and not just in that area of ​​the body. To find out which foods are the most desirable and which ones to avoid, keep reading this article. Excessive accumulation of abdominal fat is more dangerous than excess fat around the hips and thighs.

Belly fat is associated with serious health problems such as heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. Genes can contribute to being overweight and can determine the location of fat, but poor lifestyle choices tend to to exacerbate the problem.

Eating high-fat foods is not helpful, plus excess calories of any kind can increase your waistline and contribute to abdominal fat . However, there is no single cause for abdominal fat . Genetics, diet, age and lifestyle can all play a huge role in how you look.

Changing bad eating habits can help fight sagging and fight against abdominal fat : Reducing saturated fats, increasing the amount of fruits and vegetables and controlling or reducing portions can be a good start to a proper diet, avoiding this type of fat accumulation.

Excess Calories in Alcohol Can Increase Abdominal Fat: One of the  worst foods for belly fat  is alcohol. Also, excess calories, whether from alcohol, sugary drinks or large portions of food – can increase belly fat . Our body needs calories, however, gram for gram, alcohol has calories as well as fat.

Alcohol has a particular association with the accumulation of abdominal fat . This is because when consuming alcohol, your liver will be busy burning the alcohol rather than burning the fat, thus providing a beer belly.

Studies show that alcohol can make you feel hungrier by affecting the hormones that regulate satiety. Therefore, you end up consuming more food, causing problems of overweight and other irregularities.

Avoid Trans Fats:  Wake Forest University researchers found that trans fats, which are one of the  Worst Foods for Abdominal Fat  as they are created by hydrogenated oil, increase the amount of fat tissue around the belly and these tissues are redistributed by otherbody parts. Trans fats can be found in foods such as margarine, cakes, cookies and crackers, and fried foods.

Avoid Diet Soda: This is one of the Worst Foods for Abdominal Fat.  Recent studies have found an association between diet soda consumption and a wider waist circumference. What’s more, diet soda drinkers have a higher percentage of flatulence and intestinal gas than those who don’t.

Consumption of the foods listed below can ensure a flat belly and free of localized fat. So, check out  Best Foods for Abdominal Fat.

Green Tea: Green Tea is one of the best foods for belly fat. Green Tea , combined with exercise, can help with weight loss.
Researchers believe that substances in green tea known as catechins stimulate the body to burn calories and increase belly fat loss.

Blueberries: Another one of the  best foods for belly fat  is blueberries .  In another study, it was determined that blueberries help to accumulate less abdominal fat. They are a rich source of acid, such as malic and citric acid. These acids act as emulsifying agents for accumulated fat deposits in the lymphatic system, which carries all the waste products that the liver cannot process.

Whole Grains:  This is one of the  Best Foods for Abdominal Fat.  To reduce the waistline, it is advisable to add whole grains to your diet. For example, choose brown or wild rice over white rice. Highly processed and other refined foods can contribute to weight gain and increased accumulation of abdominal fat and weight gain.

Avocado:  Avocados are a heart-healthy source, and contain more beta-sitosterol than other fruits. So, add avocado to your recipes and reap benefits that prevent bloated abdomen. The advantage is that avocado can be integrated into a large number of dishes and is thus the Best Food for Abdominal Fat .

Fish Oil: Fish  oil is a good choice of  Best Abdominal Fat Foods. In addition, fish oil is an important source of omega 3 fatty acids . Omega 3 acidshelp in the breakdown of fat while reducing the accumulation of abdominal fat . If you cannot take fish oil, then consume some fish as it is also rich in omega 3 fatty acids .

A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that a calorie-controlled diet rich in whole grains can reduce waist fat in obese people.

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