Benefits of propolis to increase the immune system!

The benefits of propolis to increase the immune system work because it contains many benefits that support the health of the whole body, a mixture of pollen, wax and plant resin created by bees, in order to seal and protect the hives from fungi, insects and bacteria. .

This substance is used in propolis extract, as it acts in a similar way in the body, acting on the defenses in an anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial, antifungal, healing way and improving the immune system. Propolis extract is rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins and flavonoids, making it a natural antibiotic.

Natural remedies are an effective medicine against many diseases and pathologies. One of the most used, especially in times of flu and colds, is propolis. Today, we invite you to discover all its uses, benefits and possible contraindications.

What is propolis?

Propolis is a substance produced by bees from tree resins. These insects use it to defend themselves against viruses and bacteria.

Within its composition, active ingredients as interesting as those highlighted by bioflavonoids that have antibiotic properties are included .

As for the rest of its properties, its antioxidant, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic, remineralizing and anticancer effects stand out.

Benefits of Propolis:

1. Fight cancer:

According to many studies, this natural antibiotic can fight tumors and some types of cancer, such as head, colon, liver, breast, prostate, kidney, blood or pancreas.

2. Heals Wounds and Burns:

The application of propolis to wounds improves their healing.

3. Natural remedy for oral problems:

It is used in treatments against oral problems such as periodontitis, tooth decay or gingivitis.

4. Anti-parasitic:

Some studies confirm the success of this natural remedy to eliminate the giardiasis parasite.

5. Flu remedy:

It fights respiratory diseases such as flu, bronchitis, pharyngitis, angina, sinusitis, asthma and tuberculosis.

6. Eliminate warts:

It helps to remove warts naturally.

7. Fight against herpes

It is effective against genital sores or colds.

8. Relieves cystitis

Treats urinary tract infections or cystitis, vaginal yeast infections or itching.

9. Remedy against digestive diseases:

In the case of digestive diseases (gastritis, ulcers or diarrhea), it is a very effective natural remedy.


Some people may be allergic, so it is recommended to take a minimal initial amount and observe the reaction, whether ingested or applied externally. It should be used for short periods, never continuously. Excessive consumption of propolis can cause gastrointestinal disorders.

In pregnant and lactating women, this should be recommended by the doctor beforehand.
It cannot be consumed if you have allergic asthma, as it can worsen your symptoms.

How to use propolis:

The propolis extract to increase the immune system  must be used according to the problem to be treated, and the dosage will depend on the concentration of the product, age, the place where it will be applied, among others. For this, the manufacturer’s instructions and the doctor’s recommendations must be followed.

This extract can be used in several ways, such as: applying a drop to the wounds, a few drops can be diluted in a tea or a few drops can be applied directly to the throat.

The propolis extract to increase the immune system  should not be confused with other products, which in addition to having propolis have other substances associated in their composition, such as honey or ginger, for example. These products usually have specific indications, usually mentioned on the product label.

Propolis can be used in children under pediatrician advice, however, extracts that do not contain alcohol should be used in these cases, as most may contain this substance.

Does propolis increase immunity?

Propolis extract is capable of increasing immunity, as it contains a number of substances such as flavonoids, phenolic acids, terpenes, vitamins and minerals, which help protect and strengthen the immune system.

In this way, it is able to stimulate cellular immunity, encouraging the destruction of foreign bodies, preventing the proliferation of bacteria and viruses, and increasing the production of the body’s defense cells.

As it has a healing effect, propolis extract is indicated for colds, sore throats, sinusitis and tonsillitis, as well as helping with respiratory problems, including irritated cough or phlegm. Its use is also indicated at night, as it stimulates melatonin and acts as a sleep regulator of the benefits of propolis.

How many drops of propolis to take a day?

The recommended dosage of propolis to boost the immune system  is 15-20 drops for adults, three times a day during the period of throat infection, cough, among others. When symptoms improve, discontinue use.

When used as a repellent on the skin (low dosage: 5 drops per day), the use of propolis can be for a prolonged period (daily). In addition, propolis for oral use should be consumed in the daily amount of 15 drops for adults and 50% of this dose for children.

For children: 3 to 5 drops once a day. Diluted in one tablespoon with non-chlorinated, non-carbonated water. Also, for adults: 15 to 20 drops once a day. Diluted in half a glass with non-chlorinated and non-carbonated water.

In cuts, after washing the wound with plenty of water, take a cotton, moisten the extract and apply it to the wound. Also, it will burn a little. Repeat two or more times a day, covering the wound with gauze for propolis benefits.

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