The 8 Symptoms of Cancer That Emerge Long Before Diagnosis
Cancer is usually diagnosed when the person has very specific symptoms, which can appear overnight, without explanation or as a consequence of a disease that has not been properly treated. As can happen when a gastric ulcer develops into stomach cancer, for example.
Therefore, in case of suspicion, you should go to the doctor for tests because the diagnosis of cancer at an early stage increases your chances of cure. So, Check Out The 8 Symptoms of Cancer That Emerge Long Before Diagnosis.
Fever that Comes on and Goes:  Fever is an immune response that indicates that something is not right in the body. Most cancer patients have a fever at some point. Having a fever three times a week, which comes and goes without taking medication, and then comes back more often, could be a symptom of cancer.
Feeling Tired:  Most people who have cancer are tired all the time, even if they have rested. The alteration of cells in the blood, in the case of leukemia , causes the organs not to be oxygenated as they should, causing incurable fatigue.
Significant Weight Loss:  In a short period of time, if a person loses 10 kilos, without practicing any type of physical activity or diet, it can be a sign of cancer. Most of the time, this symptom can indicate cancer of the stomach , pancreas , esophagus, or lung.
Incurable Pain:  A persistent pain that has not eased with any treatment such as cold or hot compresses can be a sign of cancer. This pain, which is also not caused by physical exercise or diseases such as arthritis or osteoarthritis , can also be a symptom of bone , ovarian , testicular, or bowel cancer.
Skin Changes:Â Hyperpigmentation, jaundice, erythema or itching can be some symptoms of skin cancer.
Changes in the Bowel: Long-term constipation is a common sign for people who develop colorectal cancer, as are diarrhea and stool changes. Diarrhea and hard stools for more than 6 weeks can also be a sign of bowel cancer.
Changes in bowel pattern, such as having hard stools on some days and diarrhea on others, as well as vomiting and nausea can be symptoms of cancer.
Wounds that don’t heal:Â Wounds in any region of the body that take more than a month to heal can be a sign of cancer, as the immune system is weakened, so the platelets responsible for healing decrease dramatically.
Bleeding: Bleeding in various parts of the body can be an indication of cancer. For example, coughing up blood can be a sign of lung cancer. Bleeding in stool can indicate colorectal cancer. Bleeding from the vagina can be a symptom of uterine cancer.
There are over 200 different types of cancer, some are quite common, while others are quite rare. The occurrence of cancer in adults increases with age, especially after the age of 50.
In adult men, the most common cancers are prostate, lung, large intestine and stomach cancers. In adult women, the most common cancers are those of the breast, cervix, large intestine and lung. In both sexes, skin cancers are common and hematological cancers (such as leukemias and lymphomas) are less common.