The 2 Essential Elements for the Human Body

The 2 Essential Elements for the Human Body , carbohydrates and proteins are two basic elements that must be consumed daily at every meal, especially by those who want to invest in a balanced diet. Carbohydrates , for example, are immediate sources of energy for the brain and blood. Proteins are essential for the muscles and the defense of the body. Therefore, a diet that restricts one of them or that brings an excess consumption can result in health problems, since, for the proper functioning of the body, the intake of all food groups and nutrients is necessary.

Proteins: Proteins are fundamental macromolecules for all tissues, nerves, muscles, organs, skin, hair, nails, antibodies and even for some hormones in the body such as insulin in the pancreas, which regulates blood glucose, and thyroid toxin. , which controls metabolism.

There are two types of Protein:  Animal-derived, found in meat from mammals, poultry, fish, and plant-based, present in dried legumes such as beans , peas, chickpeas , as well as whole grains.

Ideally, it should be consumed with every meal, as it helps control glucose (blood sugar) levels. Also, protein should account for around 15% of daily calories. According to the American Dietetic Association and the World Health Organization (WHO), this consumption should be around 50 to 70 grams per day for women and 75 to 100 grams for men.

Carbohydrates: Carbohydrates areessential for survival, as it is through the energy provided by them that the body performs its vital functions. In addition, not to mention that they are essential for the functioning of the central nervous system and important in intestinal function.

They can be classified as simple and complex. Simple ones appear in sweets and pasta, and are quickly digested. Complexes are usually associated with fiber, so they are slower to digest.

The recommended amount is 50% to 60% of your total calorie intake. Therefore, diets that restrict carbohydrates can be harmful. In addition, completely eliminating carbohydrates or very limited consumption leads to ketosis, a metabolic condition that can cause dizziness, nausea, headache, halitosis, body aches, difficulty concentrating and weakness. Also, reduced intake of dietary fiber can cause constipation.

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