The 17 Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seeds provide many health benefits. Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) is a herbaceous plant of the Lamiaceae family, which also includes flax and sage. Originally from Mexico, its seeds were already used as food by the people of Central American civilizations for many centuries. The importance of consuming this seed has been reinforced by nutrition experts, since it contains essential polyunsaturated fatty acids, fiber, proteins and other nutrients.

The chia seed can be easily consumed with salads or in the mix of juices and vitamins, in addition to other recipes, in the amount of two tablespoons, which is equivalent to 25 grams. In addition, it has a high nutritional value, mainly because it is rich in omega-3, antioxidants, proteins, fibers, vitamins and minerals, which make this seed an excellent, natural and economical nutritional supplement. So, check out the 17 health benefits of chia seeds .

Chia Seed Helps Control Hypertension: Regular consumption of chia seed has been shown to have a similar impact as regular hypertension medications. The results of one study showed that chia seeds helped control systolic blood pressure by 6 ± 4 points. They are extremely beneficial for major cardiovascular risk factors in people with type 2 diabetes .

Chia Seed is an Excellent Source of Calcium: The amount of calcium found in chia seed is considered to be higher than what is found in skim milk. Therefore, the consumption of two spoons a day is recommended, and it helps to eliminate a possible calcium deficiency . Calcium is needed for improving bodily functions and for bone and dental health as well, helping to reduce osteoporosis, joint weakness and overall body flexibility.

Chia Seed  Helps You Lose Weight: Chia seeds can absorb a large amount of water and, therefore, form a gel that takes up some space in the stomach, reducing the desire to eat.

Chia Seed Controls Diabetes:  Due to its high fiber content, chia seed is able to prevent the rapid increase in blood glucose, controlling the amount of sugar in the blood.

Chia Seed Has a Detoxifying Effect: Antioxidants, such as caffeic acid, in its composition, are responsible for helping detox the liver, in addition to preventing the formation of free radicals that act by destroying cell membranes and triggering the aging process.

Benefits of Chia Seeds for Gaining Muscle Mass: Chia seeds are great for those who do physical activity and need a good source of protein for muscle reconstruction, remembering that every 100 grams of chia seeds contains 16g of protein in its composition. In addition, the advantage of overdose is that chia seeds help maintain muscle mass, provide more energy to nerve cells and can even supplement protein needs – one serving of chia seed has 8.6% of our daily needs for this nutrient. .

Benefits of Chia Seeds for the Brain: Chia seeds can also support cognitive connections in the brain. Many studies link the linoleic and alpha-linolenic acids present in the seed with the formation of cell membranes, brain functions and the transmission of nerve impulses.

Chia Seed Strengthens Immunity: Chia seed is an excellent source of minerals such as selenium and zinc , which help the immune system, chia is important for strengthening defenses, warding off diseases such as flu, colds and infectious processes. In addition, for having nutrients such as Phosphorus , Manganese , Calcium , Potassium and Sodium, the seed is indispensable for the maintenance of the integrity and health of the cells.

Benefits of Chia Seeds For Eyes: In just one daily serving of chia seeds, it has about 20% of our needs for this vitamin. In addition, it improves the immune system and protects the skin and eyes against the aging process.

Chia Seed has Anti-Inflammatory Properties: Chia  seeds consumed on a regular basis help to reduce inflammation inside the body due to essential fatty acids. Remember, high levels of inflammation are associated with many health conditions, such as arthritis, heart disease, and chronic pain.

Other Health Benefits of Chia Seeds

Chia seed prevents premature aging as it is a good source of antioxidants that fight free radicals, preventing the aging of cells.

Chia seed helps improve intestinal health, due to fibers that increase bowel movements, preventing constipation.

Chia seed has caffeic acid and chlorogenic acid, both antioxidants that help neutralize free radicals, fighting cellular aging and preventing our body against various diseases, including cancer.

The flavor of chia seeds is mild and pleasant and can be used in all kinds of recipes, sauces, breads, desserts, smoothies. The limit is your imagination. It is a very versatile food and one of its advantages is that its price is more than reasonable, although it can seem expensive compared to other seeds and nuts.

Chia seed helps to regulate appetite, improves sleep and mood, being rich in fiber, it brings more satiety. As for sleep and mood, there are studies that say that the omega 3 fatty acid, present in its composition, gives more energy and, with that, improves sleep and mood.

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