The 15 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds

The 15 Health Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds  are varied, as the Pomegranate Seed has a large amount of nutrients that are essential for the overall health of the body. Also,  Pomegranate Seed comes from a pomegranate, which is a fruit the size of a large orange , darkly six-sided, with a smooth, thick skin that varies in color from brownish yellow to dark red. The inside of a pomegranate is a sight to behold – separated by colored membranes are chambers of hundreds of arils, which are the seed pods inside a pomegranate. These arils consist of juicy, bright-red fruits that surround small, crunchy, edible seeds.

Most people just eat  pomegranate seed or pomegranate bushes. Juicy and nutritious Pomegranate Seeds taste like you eat them, and a pomegranate can contain over 600 seeds! You can also eat the creamy white part around the seeds, but it is quite bitter. Just in case you’re tempted to try to eat or juice the whole pomegranate (literally) – you definitely don’t want to try to consume the tough outer skin. So, check out  15 Pomegranate Seed Health Benefits:

Pomegranate Seed Benefits as a Natural Aphrodisiac: In many cultures, pomegranates have been associated with fertility and abundance for centuries because of their many, many seeds, but in recent years, the headlines are even delirious about the viagra effect of pomegranate. pomegranate. A study conducted by Queen Margaret University in Edinburgh found that consumption of pomegranate seeds on their own significantly increased salivary testosterone levels (average 24%), as well as positive effects on blood pressure and mood. Elevated testosterone can lead to an increase in mood and increased sex drive .

Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds for Reducing Arthritis: Arthritis is an inflammation of one or more joints , causing pain and stiffness that can get worse with age. There are over 3 million cases of arthritis in the United States each year. Pomegranates make the list of natural arthritis treatments as they are a source of antioxidants called flavonols, which act as anti-inflammatory agents in the body.

Benefits of Pomegranate Seed Against Cancer: When it comes to cancer , more and more research shows that Pomegranate Seed  is a potent cancer -fighting food . Garnet has been shown to exert antitumor effects on several types of cancer cells .

Pomegranate Seed Benefits for Treating Breast Cancer: Multiple studies show thatPomegranate  Seed inhibits the proliferation of breast cancer cells and even stimulates programmed cell death of breast cancer cells. puniceo, a long-chain omega-5 polyunsaturated fatty acid that has been shown to inhibit the proliferation of breast cancer.

Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds to Prevent Prostate Cancer: Other research suggests that consumption  of pomegranate seeds may also slow the growth of prostate cancer, the leading cancer for men in the USA. In a study of male subjects with recurrent prostate cancer and estimated prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels, researchers found that taking pomegranate juice extract significantly slowed the rate at which PSA was increasing. Other studies have found that certain compounds in pomegranate juice have potent anti-tumorogenic effects and have inhibited the growth of prostate cancer cells in the laboratory.

Pomegranate Seeds for Controlling Blood Pressure:  Pomegranate seed juice contains different types of antioxidants and bioactive polyphenols that have been reported to promote cardiovascular health, including healthy blood pressure levels, through various mechanisms.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits Against Bacterial Infections: Pomegranate  seeds contain hundreds of different bioactive compounds, including ellagic acid, ellagitannins, punicic acid, flavonoids, anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, estrogenic flavonols, and flavones, which appear to be the most therapeutically beneficial components of pomegranate. . Pomegranate extracts have been used since ancient times to treat various conditions, including parasitic and microbial infections, diarrhea, ulcers, canker sores, bleeding, and respiratory complications.

Not surprisingly, pomegranate seeds have been suggested to stimulate probiotic bacteria, thus enhancing their beneficial effects in fighting bacterial infections, according to research published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits For Heart Health: Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the US and also associated with cognitive decline. Juice made from pomegranate seeds contains antioxidants at higher levels than many other fruit juices, and pomegranate juice can block or lessen the buildup of cholesterol in the arteries of people at higher risk of heart disease.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits for Boosting Memory: Studies have reported memory and other cognitive benefits of polyphenols, which are found abundantly in pomegranate seed and its juice. A study published in Evidence-Based Alternative and Alternative Medicine generated intriguing data suggesting that pomegranate polyphenols may provide lasting protection against heart surgery-induced memory retention deficits.

Benefits of Pomegranate Seeds for Skin Nutrition: Thanks to the carbon dioxide extracted from this oil, the product is also effective to hydrate and nourish the skin, in addition to protecting it from the action of free radicals. The concentration of polyphenols promotes a remarkable antioxidant action, which is reflected in the reduction of signs of aging.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits For Weight Loss:  As with many fruits, pomegranate seeds are low in calories and high in fiber, providing only 83 calories and 4 g of dietary fiber per 100 g serving. A 100-g serving is equivalent to about 3/4 cup. According to the US Department of Agriculture Dietary Guidelines for Americans, for optimal health on a 2000 calorie diet, you should consume 2 cups of fruit and 2 ½ cups of vegetables a day. Pomegranate seeds and other fiber-rich foods like whole grains can reduce your risk of developing chronic diseases and help with weight management.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits Because it is Rich in Vitamins C and K: Pomegranate seeds are a good source of two essential vitamins, c and k. A 100 g serving of raw, edible seeds provides 10.2 mg of vitamin C or 17 percent of the Recommended Daily Value, or DV. Pomegranate  seeds provide slightly more than 16 mcg of vitamin K , or 20 percent of the DV, according to

Vitamin C aids in immune system function, wound healing, promoting healthy gums and manufacturing collagen and elastin. Vitamin  C also increases iron absorption . Vitamin K is important for keeping bones strong and healthy, as well as proper blood clotting.

Pomegranate Seed Benefits To Boost  Immunity: To ward off illness, vitamin c is one of the essential vitamins that your body needs. Instead of overloading on citrus, you’ll be happy to know that the seeds of a pomegranate account for nearly 40 percent of your vitamin C for the day.

Benefits of Pomegranate Seed For Being Rich in Fibers:  prevention of excess consumption. Because it’s so small, pomegranate seeds are surprisingly high in fiber – one of the most important nutrients for sustainable weight loss. Since high fiber foods keep your body satisfied longer, you’ll be less likely to overeat if you’re full. Snacking on aril pomegranate on its own is a healthy and refreshing fall treat, but there are plenty of other tasty ways to incorporate this delicious fruit into your diet.

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