The 13 Health Side Effects of Fish Oil
The side effects of fish oil for health are diverse. In addition, omega 3 A good source of omega 3 fatty acids, the use of fish oil supplements is on the rise, especially among those who are trying to lose some weight. While fish oil side effects exist, just like any other supplement, the benefits far outweigh the negative impacts.
If you come across someone who suffers from an adverse reaction to fish oil , the reason is unquestionably because of excessive consumption of fish oil ; Or use of poor quality fish oil; Or a combination of both. So check it out The 13 side effects of fish oil for health.
Unwanted Gas: This is perhaps one of the most common side effects associated with this supplement. The reason – your digestive system reacts to fish oil in a hostile way, not allowing it to be absorbed the way it should be. This triggers unwanted gas in the belly, forcing it to expel it in the form of burps with intensely suspicious odors.
One of the most common reasons behind this problem is consuming the capsule on an empty stomach. You can avoid this problem by taking the supplement along with your meals.
Risk of Metal Poisoning: Mercury is a harmful element to the body! Mercury poisoning, if not taken care of immediately, can damage the heart and liver. Fish oil , mostly of poor quality, can contain a lot of mercury. Don’t hesitate to shell out extra money with a good quality supplement.
Heartburn and Acid Reflux: Consuming fish oil in excessive amounts can upset the digestive system, leaving you with heartburn and acid reflux. Increase the dose of the oil gradually over time to avoid upsetting the digestive system.
Loose stools: An upset stomach can trigger loose stools to ward off flatulence and bloating. If you are using fish oil excessively, then you may end up visiting the bathroom more than usual. In this way, restrict consumption and stay safe.
Also, make sure the supplement you are buying is a good quality one. Some cheap supplements userotten fish oil in the manufacturing process.
Weight Gain: If you are on a weight loss period, then consult your doctor before starting to take the fish oil supplement . Certain people experience weight gain after using this supplement, which is actually a surprising side effect of fish oil . Again, this is due to low quality supplement use.
Abdominal Cramps: Many times, people have experienced terrible abdominal cramps after using these supplements. Studies conducted on this negative impact suggest that our digestive system does not have the potential to digestexcess fish oil . The undigested oil, in turn, triggers gas, leaving the belly bloated.
The bloating often leads to severe cramping and pain in the abdominal area. If you are experiencing such a condition then you should reduce the dose. If the cramps disappear, continue with the reduced dose. If cramping still persists, stop using the supplement and visit your doctor.
Bleeding risk: Taking fish oil supplements, in excess, can put you at risk of bleeding. The risk increases even more if the quality of the fish oil is poor. Consuming doses of fish oil above 3 grams will have a harmful impact. You may experience bloody urine, nosebleeds, and even worse, a hemorrhagic stroke.
Excessive levels of vitamins is not good: Fish oil is a good source of vitamin D as well as vitamin A. Studies suggest that while these elements play an important role in helping the body to function properly, excessive consumption can turn out to be dangerous.
High Blood Glucose Levels: High blood glucose is definitely not a good thing for anyone. And, if you are overweight or obese, then you should be concerned. If you are diabetic then please be safe to check your sugar level while consuming fish oil .
Hypotension: Hypotension coupled with low blood pressure is one of the dangers of using these dietary supplements. While people suffering from hypertension consume these natural antihypertensive agents, be cautious in dosage.
Increases Cholesterol Level: Composed of triglycerides, fish oil is a fat. Even though it has a wide range of benefits to your physical and mental health, studies suggest that people who eat a high-fat diet have a higher cholesterol level when they include fish oil in their diet. To protect yourself from the clutches of LDL cholesterol, you may want to modify your diet to include this supplement. In simple words – reduce your liquid fat intake!
Difficulty breathing: While this is rare, studies suggest that people may experience difficulty breathing as an effect of eating fish oil . The real reason behind this is not known. If theories are to be believed, a fish oil allergy can leave your upper respiratory tract inflamed, blocking your air passages and clogging them up.
Allergic Reactions: Fish oil , like other supplements, can also trigger an allergy. Extremely sensitive people may experience some sort of allergic reactions to this dietary supplement. Some of the allergic reactions to fish oil include:
- Itchy skin and rashes.
- Hives and redness of the skin.
- Swelling in the throat.
- Nausea.
- Headaches.
- Difficulty breathing.