The 10 Best Natural Ways to Treat and Prevent Heartburn

Top 10 Natural Ways to Treat and Prevent Heartburn  Additionally  , heartburn is an uncomfortable form of indigestion that causes burning sensations in your chest or upper abdomen. Few feelings are worse than a nagging feeling of heartburn . Unfortunately for 60 million Americans, acid reflux symptoms are monthly occurrences. 15 million experience these burning sensations in the stomach, mid-chest, and throat daily.While medications such as antacids and anti-reflux medication can alleviate symptoms, there are several natural home remedies known to alleviate the problem. So, Check Out   The 8 Best Natural Ways To Treat And Prevent Heartburn:
Chewing Gum To Treat And Prevent Heartburn: Gum is effective for relieving heartburn . This is because chewing gum helps in the production of saliva, which acts as a natural acid buffer. Chewing gum also encourages you to swallow more often, which prevents acids from backing up from your esophagus .

Eat Less  to Treat and Prevent Heartburn : Instead of eating three large meals a day, eat five to six small meals throughout the day. By controlling your portions, you will not only have fewer reflux symptoms, but you will also be more likely to lose weight.

To get in the habit of eating smaller meals throughout the day, it is recommended to eat when you wake up in the morning to stabilize your blood sugar, as well as doing something else while eating, such as talking, to help you eat more slowly.

Check out Our Video, and Discover How to Treat and Prevent Heartburn:

Drink a Baking Soda Cocktail to  Treat and Prevent Heartburn : Baking soda has a high pH level and is therefore effective in neutralizing stomach acid and preventing heartburn . It is recommended to mix a teaspoon of baking soda with 250 ml of water.

Drink the cocktail before your meal or at the first sign of heartburn , but be careful not to consume more than seven and a half tablespoons of baking soda in a 24-hour period, as the high salt content can cause bloating and nausea.

Drink Tea Made from Fresh Ginger Root To Treat and Prevent Heartburn : A study found that ginger is more effective in treating acid reflux than pharmaceutical agents such as Prevacid. Ginger is an effective natural remedy as the root has enzymes that naturally break down amino acids.

Ginger has the ability to be antibacterial, antiviral and antiparasitic. To relieve heartburn , simply drink tea made from boiling water and fresh, peeled or grated ginger root.

To Treat and Prevent Heartburn Eat Almonds for Dessert:  Several people talk about the positive effects of eating two or three almonds after a meal to get rid of heartburn . Many say that almonds, as well as almond milk and almond butter, are even more effective than prescription drugs.

It is also recommended to drink a smoothie made with almond milk in the morning to avoid heartburn  during the day. Almonds work because they produce alkalinizations that help neutralize acid.

To Treat and Prevent Heartburn Drink Apple Cider Vinegar: Treating Acid Reflux With More Acid? Yup. In fact, heartburn  is often a symptom of not having enough stomach acid. When the stomach does not produce acid, the esophagus relaxes and opens, allowing more acid to flow through. This occurs when there is a heart burn.

To combat  heartburn , drink a 250ml glass of water mixed with 1 tablespoon of unfiltered apple cider vinegar before bedtime or 2-3 times during the day.

To Treat and Prevent Heartburn Sleep on Your Left Side: It may sound very simple or quirky, but studies like those done by researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine found that heartburn  was worsened in individuals who slept on their right side, while those who slept on their right side. who slept on the left side experienced a decrease in symptoms.

While the reasons for this phenomenon are unclear, the results are compelling enough to motivate those with chronic heartburn  to adopt this lifestyle change.

To Treat and Prevent Heartburn Eat a Banana: Bananas, like almonds, are alkaline-producing foods that are effective in balancing the pH level in the stomach. Bananas also help to cover your stomach lining and protect you from heartburn .

In addition, bananas are rich in potassium, which is essential for absorbing food in the stomach, as well as fiber, which is important in eliminating harmful toxins. Include bananas in your diet to prevent acid reflux and relieve heartburn  when it happens.

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