The 10 Health Benefits of Pequi

The health benefits of pequi are diverse. Pequi or Souari Nut (Caryocar brasiliense) is a Brazilian fruit, yellow in color, and has a strong smell and flavor. Fruto de Pequi is a very popular meal in Goiás and Minas Gerais, and can be eaten alone or with other foods.

The Pequi is so popular because it is a hardy tree that is easily pollinated by bats and is locally accessible. There is not much international market for pequi, but we Brazilians love it. Certain countries import small amounts to specialty pulp stores. Pequi can be mixed very well with chicken and other proteins.

Like most fruits, Pequi is a good source of fiber, such as: Vitamin A , carotenoids, monounsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and oleic acid. Stearic and palmitic acids can also be found. In addition, Pequi plays an important role in the culture of indigenous peoples in the Cerrado region of Brazil. As the seed takes a long time to germinate, harvesting has to be done sustainably, with replacement trees carefully planted to maintain supply.

Benefits of Pequi for Health:

Benefits of Pequi for the Heart: Pequi has high amounts of monounsaturated acids, the same found in olives, and organic compounds, thus helping to reduce blood cholesterol levels and protect the heart. Compounds such as oleic, stearic and linoleic acid can be found in Pequi , consequently, they improve the body’s oxygenation, meaning less cholesterol accumulates in the walls of arteries and blood vessels.

Benefits of Pequi for Blood Pressure: The blend of vitamins and minerals, including potassium , as well as the anti-inflammatory effects of the natural acids acids can help relieve tension on blood vessels and also relax them. Thus causing an increase in blood flow and relief of pressure on the heart.

Benefits of Pequi for Joints and Muscle Pain: Studies focused on the inclusion of Pequi in the diet of athletes found that the general inflammation of the joints and muscles that are normally seen after exercise, was reduced. This could be beneficial for people who suffer from arthritis and inflammatory conditions.

Benefits of Pequi for Vision: Vitamin A canbe found in large amounts in Pequi . Beta-carotene is one of the derivatives of vitamin A. Therefore, the carotenoid content of pequi acts as antioxidants, specifically in the eye cells. This means that consuming pequi you can improve vision and prevent macular degeneration and cataracts, commonly caused by free radicals.

Pequi Possess Anti-Inflammatory Agents: A study conducted on athletes exclusively on the Pequi diet found that general inflammation of joints and muscles was reduced after training. This is potentially explained by the high levels of anti-inflammatory compounds found in Pequi . This could be a natural solution for people suffering from arthritis and other inflammatory conditions.

Benefits of Pequi for Skin and Hair: Many of the essential oils extracted from the seeds of the fruit are usually included in shampoos and traditional moisturizers in Brazil. But not only that, the high content of tecopherol and Vitamin A means that the skin and hair are protected due to the antioxidant properties of these compounds. When consumed, pequi can keep your skin away from blemishes as well as improving healing. It also ensures more radiance to your skin and prevents signs of premature aging. Pequi has been used to treat skin lesions and eczema.

Benefits of Pequi for Digestion: Fiber is present in most fruits and vegetables, Pequi is no exception. The high fiber content helps improve digestive health, also reducing the occurrence of constipation , bloating, diarrhea and cramping. These fibers also help to eliminate excess bad cholesterol from your body.

Benefits of Pequi Oil for Hair: You can easily find Pequi oilin cosmetic stores. It is very popular for treating damaged hair and strengthening it. in addition to helping to reduce frizz and leave the hair hydrated, it has an anti-inflammatory action and reduces scalp irritation, If applied two hours before bathing, the result will be soft and controlled hair, When mixing pequi oil in the shampoo you will have continuous hydration and will reduce weak and brittle hair, as well as Reduces damage caused by the sun and eliminates the dry look of the hair

Other Health Benefits of Pequi

  • Pequi can also help in the healing of the skin, in the treatment of skin lesions and eczema, in addition to bringing more vigor to the epidermis and shine to the hair,
  • Drugs used in traditional cancer treatment attack cells violently due to their side effects. Recent scientific research, coordinated by Professor César Koppe from UnB, showed that Pequi protects these cells from the aggression of chemotherapeutic agents.

Beware of the Pequi’s thorns:  Take it easy when you try it for the first time. It shouldn’t be bitten, because it’s a real minefield. It is not for nothing that Pequi , in Tupi-Guarani, means “fruit with a thorn in the seed”. For those who have never tasted pequi, want to know its flavor, but don’t want to go out with a tongue full of thorns, there is in São Paulo, and probably in other big cities, its version in chips, already preserved, and also liqueurs and juices.

The not-so-harmless little fruit is also known as Pequi , piquiá-bravo, thorn almond (a very providential name), horse grain, among others, depending on the region.
An encouragement to pequi lovers is that the fruit will soon be able to be enjoyed without the unwanted thorns.

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