The 10 Health Benefits of Abiu

The benefits of Abiu Para  are diverse. because, Abiu  has a large amount of essential nutrients for the general health of our body. In addition,  abiu is a berry-like fruit, ovoid to globose, with a smooth and yellow skin and its pulp is mucilaginous, edible and sweet, with a white or yellowish color. It is the fruit of the abieiro, a tree native to the Amazon region near the Andean slopes of Peru and the west of the Brazilian Amazon, which can reach up to 10 meters in height. Due to its high size, the abieiro serves as a shader in agroforestry.

The abiu is almost always consumed raw, but it can be stored for up to a week when refrigerated. As a dried fruit, it should be consumed when it is very ripe (with the skin all yellow), otherwise, its skin releases a white and viscous milk that adheres to the lips.

The abiu has vitamins B1, B2, B5 and C and mineral salts such as calcium , phosphorus and iron , in addition to fiber. The fruit contains astringent, bitter, emollient, tonic, disinfectant and nourishing properties. So, check out The 10 Benefits of Abiu for Health .

Benefits of Abiu for Anemia:  Abiu is  rich in chlorophyll, which works as a blood purifier. The high content of vitamin C increases the speed of iron absorption. Drinking abiu juice regularly increases the hemoglobin content in the body to cure anemia.

Benefits of Abiu for the Ear:  Abiu helps in curing ear infections and deafness. Abiu oil, cooked with it, can help you treat an ear infection.

Benefits of Abiu for Fever:  The bark of the abieiro is antidysenteric and reduces fever, the oil extracted from the seeds of the abiu soothes inflammations in the skin, being applied in the form of a poultice on the affected region.

Other Health Benefits of Abiu:

  • Abiu helps in the  elimination of toxins.
  • Abiu fights corneal  diseases.
  • Abiu  prevents the formation of tumors .
  • Abiu has a  beneficial effect against malnutrition.
  • Abiu has a  beneficial effect against Diarrhea and Dysentery, helping to eliminate toxins.
  • Abiu has a  beneficial effect against cough helping to relieve cough.

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