Top 5 Symptoms of Glaucoma!

The Main Symptoms of Glaucoma  that few know. In addition, Glaucoma  is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve of the eye  and result in vision loss  and blindness. While Glaucoma  can strike anyone, the risk is much higher for people over 60 years of age.

There are several different types of Glaucoma . Most types involve the drainage system inside the eye . At the front of the eye  is a small space called the anterior chamber. A clear liquid flows through this chamber and wets and nourishes nearby tissues.

In Glaucoma , for reasons still unknown, fluid drains very slowly out of the eye . As fluid builds up, the pressure inside the eye  increases. Unless this pressure is controlled, damage to the optic nerve and other parts of the eye can occur resulting in loss of vision . So, check out The Top 5 Symptoms of Glaucoma:

Symptoms:  The blindness caused usually occurs slowly and from the outside in, that is, it first affects the peripheral field of vision  and progressively becomes more central, as in the illustration below. Sometimes the process of vision loss  is so gradual that the patient only notices he is going blind in advanced stages of Glaucoma .

Evolution of vision loss  from Glaucoma  The main symptoms of Glaucoma:

Angle – closure glaucoma can also occur chronically, when trabecular meshwork obstruction occurs progressively. In this case the evolution is slower, similar to open-angle glaucoma 

In open-angle glaucoma  , as already mentioned, the condition is insidious, progressing slowly without causing symptoms until advanced stages of the disease, when the patient notices that he is losing his sight .

Treatment:  While there is no cure, it can usually be controlled. Although the treatment can save the remaining vision  , they improve the part already lost with Glaucoma . The most common treatments for Glaucoma  involve medications and surgery.

The medication  can be either in the form of eye drops or pills. Some medications lower pressure by slowing the flow of fluid into the eye . Others help improve fluid drainage.

For most people, regular use of medication will control fluid pressure. However, the medication may stop working over time. Or it can cause side effects. If a problem occurs, the doctor may select other medications, change the dose, or suggest other ways to deal with the problem.

Laser surgery is another treatment for Glaucoma . This surgery makes it easier for fluids to leave the eye . Over time, the effect of laser surgery may diminish. Patients who have had this form of surgery may need to continue using medication.

Research has shown that early detection and treatment of Glaucoma , before it causes major vision loss , is the best way to control the disease.

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