Science-based belly-drying tips!

The science-based tips to dry the belly work, because it’s not just an aesthetic problem because it can be bad for your health. In fact, having a lot of fat in the abdominal region is strongly linked to diseases like type 2 diabetes and heart disease. For this reason, belly drying has huge benefits for your health and can help you live longer and skin .

Belly fat is usually estimated by measuring the circumference around your waist. This can easily be done at home with a simple tape measure. Anything over 40 inches (102 cm) in men and 35 inches (88 cm) in women is known as abdominal obesity.

  • Increase in lean mass and reduction in fat mass,
  • Efficiency in the use of fats and carbohydrates from foods,
  • Increased metabolism and energy expenditure even at rest,
  • Improved cardiovascular efficiency,
  • Decreased blood pressure,
  • Reducing the risk of developing cardiovascular problems and metabolic diseases,
  • Reduction of LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol), triglycerides and accumulated and visceral fat.

Tummy dry tips based on science:

1. Cut carbs from your diet: 

Restricting Carbs is a very effective way to lose fat. This is supported by numerous studies. When people cut carbs , their appetite decreases and they lose weight.

More than 20 randomized controlled trials have now shown that low- carb diets lead to 2-3 times greater weight loss than low-fat diets. This is true even when the low-carb groups can eat as much as they want, while the low-fat groups are calorie-restricted and hungry.

Low- carb diets also lead to rapid reductions in water weight, which gives people immediate results. A difference in scale is often seen within 1-2 days. There are also studies comparing low- carb and low-fat diets, showing that low-carb diets specifically target fat in the belly and around the organs and liver.

What this means is that a particularly high proportion of the fat lost on a low- carb diet is dangerous, disease-promoting abdominal fat. Also, just avoiding refined carbs (sugar, sweets, white bread, etc.) should be enough, especially if you keep your protein intake high.

However, if you need to lose weight quickly, consider dropping your carbs  up to 50 grams per day. This will put your body into ketosis, killing your appetite and causing your body to start burning mostly fats for fuel.

Of course, low carb diets have many other health benefits besides weight loss. They can have life-saving effects in type 2 diabetics, for example. This is one of the top science-based belly-drying tips .

2. Don’t eat sugar and avoid sugary drinks:

Added sugar is very unhealthy. Studies show that it has uniquely harmful effects on metabolic health. Sugar is half glucose, half fructose, and fructose can only be metabolized by the liver in significant amounts. When you eat too much added sugar, the liver becomes overloaded with fructose and is forced to turn it into fat.

Numerous studies have shown that excess sugar, mainly due to the high amount of fructose, can lead to increased accumulation of fat in the belly and liver. Some believe this is the main mechanism behind sugar’s harmful health effects. It increases belly fat and liver fat, which leads to insulin resistance and a host of metabolic problems. taking this into account, this point of the article is one of the fundamentals to dry the belly .

Liquid sugar is even worse in this regard. Liquid calories are not “registered” by the brain in the same way as solid calories, so when you drink sugary drinks, you end up eating more total calories.

3. Eat more protein:

Protein is the most important macronutrient when it comes to losing weight. Furthermore, it has been shown to reduce cravings by 60%, increase metabolism by 80-100 calories a day and help you consume 441 fewer calories a day.

If weight loss is your goal, adding protein is perhaps the single most effective change you can make to your diet. In addition to helping you lose, it also helps you avoid re-gaining weight if you decide to abandon your weight loss efforts . There is also some evidence that protein is particularly effective against belly fat.

One study showed that the quantity and quality of protein consumed was inversely related to belly fat. That is, people who ate more and better protein had much less belly fat.

Another study showed that protein was linked to a significantly reduced risk of gaining belly fat over a 5-year period. This study also showed that refined oils and carbohydrates were linked to increased amounts of belly fat, but fruits and vegetables linked to reduced amounts. Many of the studies showing protein to be effective had protein at 25-30% of calories. That’s what you should look for.

4. Eat foods rich in fibers, especially viscous fibers:

Dietary Fiber is primarily indigestible plant matter. It is often claimed that eating lots of fiber can help with weight loss. That’s true, but it’s important to keep in mind that not all fibers are created equal. It seems to be mostly the soluble and viscous fibers that affect your weight. These are fibers that bind to water and form a thick gel that “settles” in the intestine.

This gel can dramatically slow down the movement of food through your digestive system and slow down digestion and nutrient absorption. The end result is a prolonged feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. A review study found that an additional 14 grams of fiber per day was linked to a 10% reduction in calorie intake and weight loss of 4.5 kg over 4 months.

In a 5-year study, eating 10 grams of soluble fiber a day was associated with a 3.7% reduction in the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. What this implies is that soluble fiber can be particularly effective in reducing harmful belly fat. The best way to get more fiber is to eat lots of plant foods like vegetables and fruits. Vegetables are also a good source, as are some cereals like whole oats.

Then you can also try taking a fiber supplement like glucomannan as belly fat tips . This is one of the most viscous dietary fibers out there and has been shown to cause weight loss in several studies.

5. Exercise is very effective in reducing belly fat:

Exercise is important for several reasons. It’s one of the best things you can do if you want to live a long, healthy life and avoid illness. Listing all the amazing health benefits of exercise is beyond the scope of this article, but exercise appears to be effective in reducing belly fat.

However, keep in mind that I’m not talking about abdominal exercises here. Point reduction (one point fat loss) is not possible, and doing endless amounts of abdominal exercises will not make you lose belly fat.

In one study, 6 weeks of training just the abdominal muscles had no measurable effect on waist circumference or the amount of fat in the abdominal cavity. That said, other types of exercise can be very effective. Aerobic exercise (like walking, jogging, swimming, etc.) has been shown to cause huge reductions in belly fat in numerous studies.

Another study found that exercise completely prevented people from regaining abdominal fat after weight loss, implying that exercise is particularly important during weight maintenance. Exercise also leads to reduced inflammation, lower blood sugar levels, and improvements in all of the other metabolic abnormalities associated with excess abdominal fat. Therefore, The Exercises is one of the Top tips to dry the belly .

6. Foods consumed:

What you eat is important. Almost everyone knows this. However, most people really have no idea what they are actually eating. Also, people think they are eating “high protein”, “low carb” or something else, but tend to drastically overestimate it.

I think for anyone who really wants to optimize their diet, controlling things for a while is absolutely essential. Also, it doesn’t mean you have to weigh and measure everything for the rest of your life, but doing it every now and then for a few days in a row can help you see where you need to make changes.

If you want to increase your protein intake to 25-30% of calories, as recommended above, just eating more protein-rich foods will not be enough. You really need to measure and fine-tune to achieve that goal.

Useful links: 

I personally do this every few months. I weigh and measure everything I eat to see what my current diet is like. Also, so I know exactly where to make adjustments to get closer to my goals.

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