The 6 Simple Things That Can Cause Cancer
The Simple Things That Can Cause Cancer You Didn’t Know In addition, Cancer is the name given to a set of more than 100 diseases that have in common the disordered (malignant) growth of cells that invade tissues and organs, and can spread (metastasize) to other regions of the body.
Dividing quickly, these cells tend to be very aggressive and uncontrollable, determining the formation of tumors (accumulation of cancer cells) or malignant neoplasms.
On the other hand, a benign tumor simply means a localized mass of cells that multiply slowly and resemble their original tissue, rarely being life-threatening.
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The different types of cancer correspond to the different types of cells in the body. For example, there are several types of skin cancer because the skin is made up of more than one type of cell.
If the cancer starts in epithelial tissues such as skin or mucous membranes, it is called carcinoma. If it starts in connective tissues like bone, muscle or cartilage it is called a sarcoma. Other characteristics that differentiate the different types of cancer from each other are the speed of cell multiplication and the ability to invade neighboring or distant tissues and organs (metastases).
How Cancer Emerges: The cells that make up animals are made up of three parts: the cell membrane, which is the outermost part; the cytoplasm (the cell body); and the nucleus, which contain the chromosomes, which, in turn, are made up of genes. Genes are files that store and provide instructions for organizing the structures, shapes, and activities of cells in the body.
All genetic information is inscribed in genes, in a “chemical memory” – deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It is through DNA that the chromosomes pass the information for the cell to function. A normal cell can undergo changes in the DNA of genes. It’s what we call genetic mutation.
Cells whose genetic material has been altered begin to receive wrong instructions for their activities. Changes can occur in special genes called protooncogenes, which are initially inactive in normal cells. When activated, protooncogenes become oncogenes, responsible for the malignancy (cancer) of normal cells. These different cells are called cancerous. So, check out now The 6 Simple Things That Can Cause Cancer:
Medicines: Medicine is one of the simple things that can cause cancer. The main group of drugs that can collaborate with the appearance of Cancer are the drugs themselves to cure it. Although in the short term the benefits seem to outweigh the risks, it is important to observe the harmful factors caused by the long term use of these drugs. Others that are also in the same cycle are those based on hormones and immunosuppressants. Radiation: This is a factor that we already know, and although it is not as simple and everyday as it seems, exams such as X-rays, CT scans, Mammograms, Radiotherapy, Nuclear Medicine and Brachytherapy, are examples of agents that contain ionizing radiation, responsible for some types of cancer, of course depending on the amount and time of exposure.
Some studies and research with people who survived the explosions of atomic bombs, recorded that the greater the exposure to radiation, the greater the chances of getting Hematopoietic (bone marrow), Thyroid, Breast and Bone Cancer . Radiation was considered one of the worst simple things that can cause cancer. Smoking: It has been proven by numerous studies that smoking causes some types of cancer , such as lung and larynx. As one of the main reasons, tobacco control in Brazil has been carried out by the Ministry of Health, with INCA, the José de Alencar Gomes da Silva National Cancer Institute, as its main active body , since the late 1980s. Gender: Both early activated sex life and the variety of partners can influence Cervical Cancer . Sexual habit influences the transmission of carcinogenic viruses. Dangerous for both women and men.
For example, HPV (Human Papillomavirus) is related to Cervical Cancer , as well as HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus) is related to other types of viruses, such as Cytomegalovirus and Herpeviruses I and II, which can collaborate for the emergence of Kaposi’s Sarcoma, Cancer of the Tongue and Rectum. The HTLV-I virus is related to T-Lymphocyte Leukemias and Lymphoma, and Hepatitis B to Liver Cancer.
Food: According to INCA, inadequate eating habits are the second leading cause of cancer that could be prevented. Some of the main components that are responsible for the appearance of Cancer are the nitrites and nitrates used to preserve and enhance the flavor of certain industrialized foods, such as: ham, sausage, bacon, sausage, microwave popcorn, canned products, meat Red Grilled, Genetically Modified Foods, Refined Sugar, Salted, Canned, Smoked Snacks, Soft Drinks, Carbonated Drinks, Refined White Flour, Farmed Fish, Hydrogenated Oils and etc.
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Some foods such as dried meat, jerked beef and salted fish, which are preserved in salt, can influence the onset of Stomach Cancer . Likewise, food preparation also influences, such as frying, grilling or preparing meat at high temperatures can reflect on Stomach and Colorectal Cancer . Alcoholic Beverages: Alcohol consumption can increase the risk of Oral Cavity, Larynx, Pharynx, Esophagus, Liver, Breast and Colorectal Cancer , the latter being more common in men. In addition to several other disorders such as violence, suicide, traffic accidents, chemical dependency, cirrhosis, pancreatitis, dementia, polyneuropathy, myocarditis, malnutrition, arterial hypertension and heart attack.