Say Goodbye to Acne and Pimple Forever
Are you fed up with trying to get rid of acne ? You must have tried various acne treatments , without much success, and now you are asking yourself, “When am I going to remove these ugly blemishes?”. Here are 10 proven acne and pimple home remedies that treat naturally.
1. Lemon Juice: Lemon juice is an excellent Acne and Pimple Remedy because of its rich vitamin C content. It also contains citric acid which helps to eliminate dead skin cells. Lemon juicehelps in contracting body tissues and drying out your acne . If you want a natural way to lighten your skin, try lemon juice . You can add rose water to lemon juice to reduce the drying effect.
Wash your face with warm water and use cotton balls to apply lemon juice to the affected spots on your face. Use one cotton ball per spot to prevent the transfer of germs.
2. Aloe Vera Gel: Aloe vera gelan essential Acne and Pimple Remedy because it produces a pleasant soothing effect on your skin. In addition, its antibacterial qualities reduce redness and swelling in acne blemishes . You can use aloe vera gel on its own or in combination with tea tree oil or garlic. Take a sheet, remove the gel and create a face mask. Leave it overnight and then wash it off the next morning. Aloe vera is an indoor plant that you can try growing at home.
3. Tomatoes: Tomatoes help to remove excess oil from your face and keep your skin healthy. An antioxidant in tomatoes called lycopene will protect your skin and also act as an anti-aging agent. Tomatoes are an Acne and Pimple Remedy because it prevents skin cells from getting damaged. The antimicrobial qualities of tomato will also help you to eliminate black heads, smooth and lighten your skin.
Just create some fresh tomato juice by crushing it. Then put on a mask of the juice and let it dry for 1 hour before cleaning it.
4. Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil is one of the most effective remedies for acne and pimple . But you might be thinking, why should I put oil on my oil clogged face? Well, tea tree oil has several unique qualities. It is not a natural facial oil secreted by your skin. It behaves like a solvent, penetrates the facial oil layer, to unblock pores and eliminate dead skin cells.
Always remember to dilute tea tree oil before using it. Use warm water to wash your face and apply the tree oil mixture diluted with a cotton ball to each spot. If your skin is very sensitive, you can dilute the tree oil with aloe vera gel instead of water.
5. Basil Leaves: You may be familiar with using basil leaves for cooking. But are you aware that it has antibacterial and antioxidant properties that can be used to eliminate acne and pimples ? Yes, basil extractreduces acne swelling .
Place about 10 – 12 basil leaves in a pan and then press the leaves against the base of your pan with a tablespoon. Doing this will increase the concentration of the juice during the boil. Add a glass of water to the leaves and boil them for 6 minutes. Then let the mixture cool before straining the leaves. Apply the mixture to the acne blemishes using a cotton swab. Use a separate cotton swab for each location. You can keep the leftover mixture in your fridge for 4 days.
6. Papaya Papaya: Papaya papaya is a great remedy for acne and pimples. It helps get rid of excess fat and dead cells from the surface of the skin. In its immature form, papaya also contains papain. Papain is an enzyme that helps prevent pus from forming on the skin.
That’s why papaya is now used in various beauty products. To use papaya to remove your acne and pimple , cut it, remove the seeds and mash its flesh. Then use the warm water to wash your face and then apply a papaya mask all over your face for about 30 minutes. Use warm water to rinse it off.
7. Neem: Neem powder and neem oil are very powerful natural treatments for acne and pimples . They have potent antimicrobial properties. You can easily get neem products at your local organic food store. Use warm water to wash your face.
With cotton swabs, dab neem oil directly onto acne and pimple blemishes . You can also mix neem powder with a small amount of water to make a paste. Apply the paste directly to each point. Leave the paste overnight so the neem can penetrate the skin and kill any acne -causing bacteria .
8. Orange juice and peels:Oranges have vitamin C and ascorbic acid, which are powerful weapons to fight acne and pimples . To use orange peels and juice to clear acne, use warm water to wash your face. This will open the pores. Peel your orange.
Use the peels to rub acne blemishes and then apply the orange juice. Be sure to wash your hands very well and use different orange peels for each of the stitches. Doing this will prevent the spread of bacteria from one place to another. After smoothing the spot with juice, leave it on for about 1 hour before cleaning it.
9. Whites: Egg whites offer you a quick and easy way to get rid of acne and pimples . They also help to remove scars. Because? They have essential amino acids and vitamins that clear pimples and rebuild healthy skin cells.
Just break three large eggs into a bowl and scoop out the yolks. Beat the egg whites and let them settle for about 3 minutes. Then apply the egg whites to the acne blemishes with your fingers. Wait for the first application to dry, then repeat at least 4 times. After leaving this final mask on for approximately 30 minutes, wash your skin and apply a good skin moisturizer.
10. Honey Cinnamon Mask: Honey and cinnamon have some natural antibacterial properties. When you mix them together, it becomes an Acne and Pimple Remedy. because, they act as a great force to destroy acne and pimple . You just need a teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 tablespoons of pure natural honey.
To get rid of those nasty acne and pimples, mix cinnamon and honey together to form a paste. Then, after washing your face, pat it dry and apply this mixture to the deteriorated areas. Leave it until the next morning.
Conclusion: These acne home remedies are very effective. But you shouldn’t give up if your acne doesn’t go away overnight. Remember that with each treatment, you will notice improvement in your skin condition.