Salak – Benefits, Properties and Side Effects!
Salak – Benefits, Properties and Side Effects! Among so many benefits, Salak can be chosen as a healthy fruit, thanks to its properties that are ideal for our health. Furthermore, the fruit of the Salak tree grows in clusters near the base of the palm tree and is also known as “snake fruit”. Some call it snake fruit because Salak has a skin that looks like snake skin. Here is a summary of Salak – Benefits, Properties and Side Effects:
- Salak Promotes Body Muscle ;
- Salak consumption improves heart health;
- Salak Protects eyesight ;
- Salak Promotes General Body Health;
- Salak Helps Maintain Bone Health ;
- Eating Salak Helps Avoid Anemia;
- Salak is an Antioxidant Agent;
- Salak Gives Boost to Memory ;
- Eating Salak is a Good Option in Pregnancy;
- Salak is good for stomach health.
Salak or snake fruit contains a lot of beta carotene which is a powerful antioxidant and works well to prevent cardiovascular disease, stroke and even cancer. In addition, it contains 5 times more beta-carotene than found in watermelons , mangoes and 3 times more than found in guava . See below for more about Salak – Benefits, Properties and Side Effects:
Nutritional Value: In addition to the sweet and slightly acidic taste, Salak is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Consuming 100 grams of Salak provides 3.9 mg of Iron , 0.2 mg of Vitamin B2, 8.4 mg of Vitamin C , 12.1 g of Carbohydrates, 38 mg of Calcium , 18 mg of Phosphorus , 0. 8 g of protein, 0.4 g of total fat and 0.3 g of total dietary fiber.
Benefits of Salak for Maintaining Bone Health: Salak also contains Calcium which is ideal for maintaining bone health, specifically for pregnant women, Salak is helpful in forming a network of fetal bone structure.
Benefits of Salak for the General Health of the Body: The vitamins and minerals found in Salak help our body to increase its self-sustainability. Salak ‘s antioxidants help our body to recover from any possible damage and rejuvenate broken cells.
Benefits of Salak for Strengthening the Stomach: Salak consists of saponins, beta-carotene, tannins, flavonoids and calcium , so Salak has health benefits for the body system. Tannin is really anti-diarrheal, because it can help the stomach to have good digestion. The best tip is to consume Salak with thin skin, which can prevent constipation .
Benefits of Salak for Boosting Memory: The presence of Potassium and pectin in Salak helps to improve brain functions like improving memory and cognitive functions. There is no doubt that Salak is often called the “fruit of memory”.
Benefits of Salak As Antioxidant: We certainly know that antioxidants are very beneficial for our body, antioxidants found in Salak are beneficial for preventing various diseases and free radicals.
Benefits of Salak for Pregnancy: Salak contains a lot of calcium , fiber, carbohydrates and antioxidants. So the health benefits of Salak are obvious. It is provision of good substance for pregnant women. Especially, for young pregnant women.
Salak Benefits To Prevent Anemia: Salak is also beneficial to overcome anemia because the Thiamine content and Iron benefitsare excellent to help in the health of pregnant women. Iron has become one of the important players in the production of red blood cells . Pregnant women need red blood cells because they are used to deliver oxygen across the placenta into the fetus. The lack of oxygen would be very dangerous for the life of the fetus and the pregnant woman.
Benefits of Salak for Protecting Eyesight: Beta-carotene is one of the antioxidants found in Salak , which has a direct link to eye health. Having enough beta-carotene in your diet can lower your risk of macular degeneration and slow the progression of cataracts as you age.
Benefits of Salak to Improve Heart Health: The potassium found in Salak helps to lower blood pressure as potassium is a vasodilator. This means that it can reduce tension in blood vessels and arteries, which lowers the overall strain on the cardiovascular system.
Benefits of Salak To Promote Body Muscle: With the good amount of protein contained in Salak . It provides the function of promoting our body muscle. So by exercising regularly, your body muscle will have a healthier body shape than before.
Side Effects: It is recommended not to consume Salak in excess, because when consumed in excess, this fruit can cause constipation .
Other Benefits of Salak: Salak has many health benefits, in addition to those mentioned above, it has many other benefits for the body.