Rosemary tea – what it is for, benefits and how to make it!

Rosemary tea so that it benefits your body, is a woody shrub native to the coastal regions of the Mediterranean Sea. Furthermore, it has been used for thousands of years for its gastronomic and health attributes.

The healing properties of rosemary come from a variety of compounds present in the leaves and stems, such as potassium, acids (caffeic, salicylic, rosmarinic acid) and antimicrobial, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances.

One of the most consumed teas in the world, it has a pleasant flavor and many beneficial properties for the body. In this article, we will provide you with information about this delicious and healthy drink, for you to try it out!

Rosemary Tea Properties :

Rosemary tea  has antiseptic, antispasmodic, stimulant, expectorant, diuretic, decongestant properties, and can also be used as a muscle relaxant.

The main benefits of rosemary tea  are directly associated with the presence of active compounds in the plant, the main ones being:

  • borneol;
  • camphor;
  • pineno;
  • cineol;
  • mirceno.

Although these compounds are present in higher concentration in the leaves, the infusion is able to keep them almost intact. Thus, it brings almost the same benefits as fresh rosemary.

What is rosemary tea for ?

Rosemary tea  has been commonly used to help reduce muscle torment, improve memory, strengthen numb and circulatory structure, and promote hair development. It is a rich source of cellular reinforcements and attenuating mixtures, these aids are reliably reinforced to reinforce safe structure and improve blood flow.

In addition to increasing assimilation, at various points this phenomenal plant is used regularly to help treat acid reflux. Improve mental state and fixation, and what’s more, high blood levels. Offering better neurological certainty, this decoction is great because it allows us to explore each and every one of these corrosive fixation benefits can fight malignant brain tumor.

Benefits of rosemary tea :

1. Helps to lose weight:

Because of its piece, this baking can become an amazing companion for being in shape. Counting this in your eating routine to be more fit will be exceptionally helpful in your goal, but apart from that, this plant can get different benefits for your body. Here we detail the properties of rosemary tea  to lose weight:

2. It’s Digestive:

With antispasmodic properties, it is a good solution for people suffering from indigestion, constipation, abdominal pain and bloating. In addition, it is also known to improve our absorption of nutrients.

3. It’s Therapeutic:

Rosemary tea is one of the  main ingredients in aromatherapy. It is a scent therapy, and you can already imagine why rosemary is part of the herb group, right? Its scent soothes, relieves stress and helps treat various physical and emotional problems.

How to make rosemary tea ?

Each person has a way of preparing teas, but usually the method of preparation is very similar and follows the same pattern. Therefore, so that you can prepare it, I will teach you one of the most delicious recipes that gives an irresistible flavor to the palate. See below how to prepare rosemary tea .

Rosemary Tea Recipes :

1. Rosemary and honey tea:


  • 2 tablespoons of dried rosemary
  • a liter of water
  • Mel


  • Wait until the water comes to a boil.
  • Mix the rosemary and leave to infuse, always covered, for at least five minutes.
  • Strain the residue and sweeten with honey.
  • Drink while still hot.

Consumption as a drink, it can also be mixed with shampoo and liquid soaps. In addition to having a very pleasant smell, its components are also highly effective for topical use.


Pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and those with chronic illnesses should always consult a doctor before using any new food or treatment. In addition, for pregnant women, for example, rosemary tea  can pose risks. This is because, in some women, one of their adverse reactions may include contractions in the uterus.

Despite having many benefits for the elderly, never fail to be careful with rosemary tea . In addition, both the elderly and children have different and more sensitive bodies than most adults. Although moderate consumption is not contraindicated, being careful is always convenient.

Useful links: 

Excessive and prolonged use is not suitable for any age group and can cause nausea, vomiting, prolonged discomfort and problems with fluid retention. In addition, doctors are also indispensable for monitoring any illness. So despite its benefits , use it sparingly and always consult a skin doctor you trust .

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