Retina – What is it, Causes Symptoms and Treatments!

Retina – What it is, Causes Symptoms and Treatments  we should all know. Additionally, the  Retina  is a light-sensitive membrane located at the back of the eye . When light passes through your eye , the lens focuses an image onto your retina . The retina converts the image into signals that it sends to your brain via the optic nerve. The Retina  works with the cornea, lens and other parts of your eye  and brain to produce normal vision .

Retina detachment occurs when the retina separates from the back of your eye . This causes vision loss that can be partial or total, depending on how much of the Retina is detached.

When your Retina detaches, your cells can be seriously deprived of oxygen. Retina detachment is a medical emergency. Call your doctor right away if you experience sudden vision changes . So, check out now  Retina – What is it, Causes Symptoms and Treatments:

There are three types of retinal detachment:

  • Hematogenesis.
  • Traction.
  • exudative.

If you have a rhegmatogenous retinal detachment , you have a tear or hole in the retina. This allows fluid from your eye to  drain through the opening and back behind your Retina . The fluid separates the retina from the retinal pigment epithelium, which is the membrane that supplies the retina with nutrition and oxygen, causing the retina to separate . This is the most common type of retinal detachment.

Traumatic Retina Detachment: Traumatic Retina Detachment  occurs when scar tissue on the surface of the retina contracts and causes your Retina to pull away from the back of your eye . This is a less common type of detachment that usually affects people with diabetes mellitus.

Poorly controlled diabetes mellitus can lead to problems with the retinal vascular system , and this vascular damage can lead to the buildup of scar tissue in your eye  which can cause retinal detachment.

Exudative unfolding:  In exudative detachment, there are no tears or breaks in the Retina . Retinal diseases such as the following cause this type of detachment.

  • An inflammatory disorder that causes fluid to build up behind the Retina .
  • Cancer behind the Retina .
  • Coats disease, which causes your blood vessels to develop abnormally so that they escape proteins that build up behind your retina .

Symptoms of Detachment of Retina:  There is no pain associated with Detachment of the Retina , but there are usually symptoms before your retina detaches. Primary symptoms include

Blurry vision:

  • Partial vision loss , which makes it appear as if a curtain has been pulled across your field of vision , with a shadowing effect.
  • Sudden flashes of light that appear when looking to the side.
  • Suddenly seeing lots of floaters, which are small pieces of debris that appear as black spots or strings floating before your eye .

Retina Detachment Treatment:  In this process, the surgeon applies a freezing probe to the outer surface of the eye  directly over the retinal defect . In this way, the area around the hole is frozen, which results in a scar that helps protect the Retina . After the procedure, you will likely be advised to step away from your activities for the next two weeks or so to allow time for the tissue bond created by the procedure to strengthen.

Pneumatic Retino-Pexia  :  In this procedure, the doctor injects an air or gas bubble into the vitreous. This gas will clog the retinal hole preventing the passage of liquid. In this way, the Retina returns to its place on the back wall of the eye . You may need to keep your head in a certain position for a few days to get the blister in place. The blister will also eventually reabsorb on its own.

Retino-Pexia  with Scleral Introflexion:  In this case, a silicone band or band is placed around the eyes, so that the sclerae (white portion of the eye ) is pressed towards the Retina . This procedure is usually done along with cryopexy or vitrectomy if a retinal tear needs to be glued .

If you have multiple tears or holes or an extensive injury, the surgeon may create a scleral buckle that encircles the entire eye  like a belt. The buckle usually remains in place for the rest of its life.

Laser Surgery: Laser  surgery, or photocoagulation, can also be used. The surgeon directs a laser beam to the retinal tear . The laser burns around the tear, creating scars that “weld” the retina to the underlying tissue.

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