Psychological pregnancy: symptoms, causes and treatments!
Psychological pregnancy is very uncommon. It is a condition that makes a woman believe that she is pregnant . Exact numbers are difficult to report, but experts agree that the condition is extremely rare.
Psychological pregnancy was observed and written about many years ago. Hippocrates established the first written account around 300 BC. C and recorded 12 different cases of women with the disorder. One of the most famous historical examples is Mary Tudor (1516-1558), Queen of England, who believed on more than one occasion that she was pregnant when she was not.
In addition, psychological pregnancy has become increasingly rare in many parts of the world where accurate pregnancy tests have become widely available. Cultures that value pregnancy, or that establish close associations between fertility and a person’s worth, still have high rates of the disorder.
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What is psychological pregnancy?
Pseudocyesis is the medical term for a psychological pregnancy . it can cause many of the signs and symptoms of pregnancy and often resembles the condition in every way except the presence of a fetus. A woman ‘s intuition is a funny thing. Most women know they are pregnant before they are far enough away to get tested; we know our bodies and when something is different we can just feel it.
Causes of psychological pregnancy:
To date, no theory about the causes of psychological pregnancy has been universally accepted by mental health professionals. The first theory attributes to emotional conflict. It is believed that an intense desire to become pregnant, or an intense fear of becoming pregnant, can create internal conflicts and changes in the endocrine system, which may explain some of the symptoms.
Another theory concerns the fulfillment of desires. It holds that if a woman wants to get pregnant a lot, she can interpret small changes in her body as signs of pregnancy. The third main theory of psychological pregnancy is the depression theory, which holds that chemical changes in the nervous system associated with some depressive disorders can trigger the symptoms of pseudocyesis.
Symptoms of psychological pregnancy:
The main signs and symptoms of psychological pregnancy are similar to the symptoms of real pregnancy and are very difficult to distinguish, such as morning sickness, tender breasts and weight gain. Many healthcare professionals can be fooled by the symptoms. Eighteen percent of women with psychological pregnancies were at the same time diagnosed as pregnant by a medical professional. In some cases, the only difference between actual pregnancy is the presence of a fetus.
The symptom of psychological pregnancy common to all cases is that the affected patient is convinced that she is pregnant . Abdominal distention is the most common physical symptom. The abdomen expands in the same way as during actual pregnancy, so the affected woman appears to be pregnant . This phenomenon is believed to be caused by the accumulation of gas, fat , feces, or urine . These symptoms usually disappear under general anesthesia and the woman ‘s abdomen returns to its normal size.
The second most common physical symptom is menstrual irregularity. Between 48% and 75% of women are also reported to experience the sensation of fetal movements known as acceleration, even though there is no fetus present. Some of the other signs and symptoms include: gastrointestinal symptoms, changes in the breast or secretions, labor pains, an enlarged uterus and softening of the cervix . One percent of women end up experiencing false labor.
Diagnosis of psychological pregnancy:
There are several ways in which a psychological pregnancy is diagnosed. Some of these include:
While the above two methods are commonly used to diagnose pregnancy, they are unreliable for diagnosing. An ultrasound test of the abdomen and pelvis area will have to be done to establish pregnancy.
In the case of a psychological pregnancy , the ultrasound will not show a heartbeat, nor will a fetus be seen. Other conditions can be the cause of pregnancy symptoms, such as obesity or ovarian cysts. Tests will have to be done to diagnose these conditions.
Treatments for psychological pregnancy:
There are a few factors to consider when treating a psychological pregnancy . If the condition was caused due to some physical or physiological reason, this will be dealt with first. In the case of cystic ovaries, the treatment plan will include medication, lifestyle changes, and perhaps even meditation.
If psychological pregnancy is brought about by a psychological reason, it will have to be treated with the help of psychiatrists and therapists. In either case, the woman may have invested in the idea of being pregnant . In addition to the pregnancy, she may have also prepared to raise a child. Once it has been established that Pregnancy is Psychological, the woman will need a lot of care.
The dream of having a child is very dear, and having these unfounded hopes can be emotionally difficult for a woman . It’s best that you talk to your doctor as well as a therapist to make peace with this apparent loss.
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A psychological pregnancy looks and feels like any other pregnancy, but it’s not actually a real pregnancy. There is no fetus and it is caused by several factors. It is best that you confirm your pregnancy with ultrasound as it is the most reliable test to establish a pregnancy.