Primary Insomnia – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments!
Primary Insomnia – What it is, Symptoms and Treatments of this condition. Additionally, Primary Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that affects most adults at some point in their lives. People with insomnia typically have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep. In some cases, you may fall asleep quickly, but wake up several times throughout the night.
Some people with insomnia have trouble falling asleep . Others can sleep , but wake up very early. There are still those who have problems both falling asleep and staying asleep. As a result, insomnia can cause a person to get very little or poor quality sleep .
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Types of Insomnia: There are two types of insomnia. The most common type is called secondary insomnia, which is a symptom or side effect of some other problem. It is believed that around 80% of people with insomnia have secondary insomnia.
Certain medical conditions, medications, sleep disorders, and substances can cause secondary insomnia. Primary Insomnia is not due to a medical problem, medications or other substances. Various life changes can trigger Primary Insomnia , such as long-term stress and emotional upsets.
Causes of Primary Insomnia: Causes of Primary Insomnia can include:
- Go to bed at different times each night;
- Naps several times during the day;
- To work at night;
- sleep with your television or radio on;
- Not getting enough exercise or physical activity;
- Consume a lot of caffeine;
- Ingestion of alcohol or medication containing caffeine;
- Smoke;
- Psychological stress or worry;
- Physical pain;
- Mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety ;
- Medical conditions such as hypothyroidism (low thyroid hormone) or kidney disease.
Primary Insomnia Symptoms: Adults need at least seven to eight hours of sleep every night. If you have Primary Insomnia , it may take you 30 minutes or more to fall asleep. Also, you can only sleep for a few hours at a time.
Other common symptoms of Primary Insomnia include:
- Drowsiness during the day;
- Difficulty concentrating;
- Headaches and tension;
- Being constantly preoccupied with sleep ;
- generalized anxiety ;
- Not feeling refreshed in the morning.
Primary Insomnia Diagnoses: Several tests can help your doctor determine the cause of your Primary Insomnia . These include a physical exam and several blood tests. Both tests can rule out conditions that can cause Primary Insomnia , such as hypothyroidism and kidney disease. Tell your doctor about all medications you are taking, as some drugs can cause sleep problems .
Your doctor may also recommend that you keep a sleep diary . Write down your activities and meals each day, and then record each night that you have insomnia. This information can help your doctor determine the behavioral causes of your sleep problem , such as drinking coffee in the late afternoon.
Polysomnography can also help your doctor learn the cause of your insomnia. This is an overnight sleep study performed in a hospital or sleep clinic . This test can help your doctor determine if you suffer from sleep disorders , such as restless legs syndrome (the uncontrollable need to move their legs while sleeping) or sleep apnea (abnormal pauses in breathing during sleep ).
Primary Insomnia Treatments: Treatment for Primary Insomnia depends on the underlying cause. If your doctor believes medications are causing your insomnia, they may lower your dosage or recommend an alternative medication.
Behavioral therapy can also be effective in treating Primary Insomnia . Teaches techniques to help you control unwanted behaviors. Techniques associated with this therapy include:
- Breathing and relaxation techniques to improve your mood and reduce anxiety before bed
- Replace negative thoughts and emotions about sleeping with positive people;
- Reserving your bed for sleeping and having sex, avoiding other activities in bed, such as watching television or working on the computer.
If you can’t manage your stress with behavioral therapy, or if you suffer from depression or an anxiety disorder , your doctor may recommend other therapies. They may suggest talk therapy with a counselor or psychiatrist. They may also prescribe an anti – anxiety or anti-depressant medication.
A sleep aid medication can also help you sleep better. Both prescription and over-the-counter sleep aids are effective in the short term. However, these drugs are habit forming and have side effects that can affect your daily life. You may experience memory problems and daytime sleepiness. Blurred vision can also occur, along with dry mouth and balance problems.
Outlook for Primary Insomnia: Most people can overcome Primary Insomnia by improving their sleep environments , treating underlying medical conditions, and improving sleep and eating habits.
Daytime sleepiness is a major complication of Primary Insomnia . Your risk of an accident increases, while your performance at work and school may suffer. Primary Insomnia has a negative impact on your health and increases your risk of obesity , heart disease and diabetes. Insomnia can weaken your immune system .
Preventing Primary Insomnia: Simple lifestyle changes can help you develop better sleep habits , sometimes known as sleep hygiene . These include:
- Go to bed and wake up at the same time every day;
- Avoid naps after 3 pm;
- Avoid caffeine at night;
- Limit water and other liquids before bedtime ;
- Keep your room calm, cool and dark by using earplugs and hanging curtains to block out light.
- Avoid exercising two to three hours before bedtime;
- Avoid stimulating activity before bed , such as watching TV or playing video games.
Useful links:
You may need a combination of better sleep hygiene and medical treatment to help your insomnia. If these steps don’t help, you should see a doctor.