The 7 Main Causes of Aphonia!

The Main Causes of Aphonia that everyone should be aware of. In addition, Aphonia is related to total loss of voice. Many people have certainly gone through an unpleasant situation of hoarseness, or have spent a few days without speaking, this is due to an inflammation of the larynx, or when we overuse our voice. However, these problems are not considered serious illnesses , as they are usually temporary. So, check out  The 7 Main Causes of Aphonia:

What is Aphonia:  If you have Aphonia , your voice will sound breathy, hoarse, or strained, or be softer in volume or lower in pitch. The throat  may also feel rough. Aphonia is often a symptom of laryngeal vocal cord problems that can be produced by an alteration or overuse of the vocal cords or can also influence psychological factors.

Causes of Aphonia: Due to various causes, it can happen that the person has a kind of voice disorder, leading to the occurrence of a kind of voice disorder that occurs due to the impediment of vibration of the vocal cords, and the loss of voice can also happen instantly due to from a cold, from talking for a long time, screaming, or from stress.

Laryngitis: Laryngitis is one of the most common causes of Aphonia . It could be due to temporary swelling of the vocal cords from a cold, an upper respiratory tract infection, or allergies . Your doctor will treat laryngitis according to its cause. If it is due to an upper respiratory infection, the doctor may recommend rest, fluids, and pain relievers. Allergies can be treated in the same way, with the addition of an excess of over-the-counter allergy medications.

Excessive Voice Usage: Cheering at sporting events, speaking out loud in noisy environments, speaking for a long time without resting your voice, singing out loud, or speaking in a voice that is too loud or too low can cause temporary hoarseness. Resting, reducing voice use, and drinking lots of water will help you relieve aphonia from abuse or overuse.

Sometimes people whose jobs depend on their voices, such as teachers, singers, or public figures, may have a harder time recovering from Aphonia . If you use your voice for a living and regularly experience hoarseness, your doctor may suggest seeing a speech therapist for voice therapy. In voice therapy, you will be given vocal exercises and advice to avoid aphonia by changing the ways in which you use your voice.

Gastroesophageal Reflux:  Commonly called heartburn, gastroesophageal reflux can cause aphonia when stomach acid rises up the throat  and irritates the tissues. Aphonia caused by reflux is usuallyworse in the morning and improves throughout the day. In some people, stomach acid travels all the way up the throat  and larynx and irritates the vocal cords. This is known as laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR). This disease  can occur during the day or night.

Some people do not have heartburn with LPR, but they may feel as if they constantly have to cough to clear their throat  and may even suffer from Aphonia . In this case, it is treated with dietary modifications to consume drugs that reduce stomach acidity.

Vocal Nodules, Polyps, and Cysts:  Vocal nodules, polyps, and cysts are benign (non-cancerous) growths along the vocal cords. Vocal nodules are sometimes called “singer’s nodules” because they are a frequent problem among professional singers. They form in pairs on opposite sides of the vocal cords as a result of excess pressure or friction, forming a callus.

A vocal polyp usually only occurs on one side of the vocal cord. A vocal cyst is a hard mass of tissue enclosed in a sac of the inner membrane of the vocal cord. The most common treatments for nodules, polyps, and cysts are vocal rest, voice therapy, and surgery to remove the tissue.

Vocal Cord Hemorrhage: Vocal  cord hemorrhage occurs when a blood vessel on the surface of the vocal cords ruptures and the tissues fill with blood. If you suddenly lose your voice during intense vocal use (such as yelling), you may have a vocal cord hemorrhage. Sometimes a vocal cord hemorrhage can cause aphonia that develops rapidly over a short period of time and only affects your music but not speech. Vocal cord hemorrhage should be treated immediately with complete voice rest and a visit to the doctor.

Vocal Cord Palsy:  This is a voice disorder that occurs when one or both of the vocal cords do not open or close properly. It can be caused by an injury to the head, neck, or chest; lung or thyroid cancer ; tumors at the base of the skull, neck, or chest; or infection (eg Lyme disease ). People with certain neurological disorders  such as multiple sclerosis or Parkinson ‘s disease or who have had a stroke may experience vocal cord paralysis. In many cases, however, the cause is unknown. Vocal cord paralysis is treated with voice therapy and, in some cases, surgery.

Neurological Diseases and Disorders: Neurological  diseases that affect the areas of the brain that control the muscles of the larynx or throat  can also cause Aphonia . Aphonia is sometimes a symptom of Parkinson ‘s disease or stroke . Spasmodic dysphonia is a rare neurological disorder that causes aphonia and can also affect breathing. Treatment in these cases will depend on the type of disease  or disorder.

Treatment of Aphonia:  There are several ways to get rid of this problem, if you are aphonic, follow some tips that help prevent you from this problem:

  • The ideal is to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day, trying to keep the water at room temperature so that the throat  does not suffer thermal shock;
  • Avoid fruit and vegetable juice as it helps to eliminate excess mucus;
  • If you have a sore throat , you  should avoid eating very hard foods, giving preference to soft and liquid foods, taking into account that they are easier to
  • Swallow;
  • Try to gargle with apple cider vinegar or with water that contains a significant concentration of dissolved salts;
  • Do not smoke and avoid being close to smokers;
  • Drink teas, preferably honey and lemon ;
  • Avoid talking loudly or yelling;
  • In some cases it is common to have a sore throat , so it is recommended to use analgesics to relieve the pain;
  • Avoid talking and whispering when you meet Afonia , as these acts only strain your vocal cords even more, further aggravating the problem;
  • Breathe only through your nose, avoiding opening your mouth completely, as breathing through your mouth makes your mouth dry.

NOTE: Try to follow these tips to put an end to it, but if the problem persists, look for a doctor, so that he can examine you and determine the origin of the disorder, and provide you with the most effective treatment in order to get your voice back to normal. . The problem varies according to the condition of Afonia , and it can be a treatment made by a simple rest, or having to have the help of a specialist and in some cases if Afonia is already in an advanced stage, one can even opt for a surgery.

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