Plum to cleanse the intestines in just minutes!

Plum to cleanse the intestines in just minutes works as constipation is a common health problem caused by many factors. Including age, poor diet, lack of physical activity, vitamin deficiency, insufficient water intake, lack of fiber.

In addition, constipation can also be a consequence of a dangerous illness, in which case you should consult your doctor immediately.

Statistics have shown that one in ten people suffer from irregular bowel movements and that this natural remedy can be an effective solution to this problem.

Specialist doctors in Quebec have discovered this powerful natural recipe that can effectively treat constipation. This natural laxative cured a number of severe constipation to lose weight .

Plum to cleanse the intestines in just minutes:


  • 150 g dates (1 cup);
  • 150 g plums (1 cup);
  • 5 cups of boiled water (unless you want the jam to be thicker)

Preparation mode:

Cut the dates and plums into small pieces and add the boiling water. Cook until the mixture is dense. The recipe provides 20 servings of one tablespoon.

It can be consumed by everyone. The best time to consume this remedy is in the morning on an empty stomach , but you can also add it to your yogurt cup, combine it with cereal, or whatever you like.

Plums are an excellent source of fiber. In addition, they are rich in sorbitol, which has the ability to loosen stools, relieve constipation in just a few hours.

Also, you can put several prunes in a glass of water and leave them overnight. Eat prunes the next morning.

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