Prune juice – what is it for, benefits and harms!

Plum juice comes from plums , which is a different name from prunes , and these fruits are grown for their fresh varieties as well.

However, over 1,000 different types of plums are grown specifically to be dried, such as prunes . As plums begin to dry out, they lose some of their nutrients, but they also increase in an active ingredient known as sorbitol. Prunes also have a longer shelf life and a pleasant taste, which is why they are as popular as juice.

Prune juice  is typically diluted with a little water for a rejuvenating drink. Due to some of the specialized health benefits, it has often been considered just for constipation problems, but in fact, prunes have a diverse range of nutrients in addition to their soluble and insoluble fiber content. This juice is easy to make and a single glass has significant levels of fructose , sorbitol, potassium, iron , manganese copper and various antioxidant compounds, among others.

Nutritional value of plum juice: 

Prune juice  is a rich source of dietary fiber, with a single cup representing more than 10% (2.6 g) of the recommended daily intake. In addition, it also contains high levels of vitamin B6, vitamin C , iron and manganese , as well as high levels of other B vitamins, copper, phosphorus, zinc, vitamin K, magnesium, selenium, calcium and vitamin E. sorbitol and other phytochemicals that can function as antioxidants in the body.

Health benefits of plum juice:

For digestion:

Perhaps more than any other benefit, this juice is known to stimulate the digestive system. If you suffer from constipation or indigestion, a single cup can move things around easily. The dietary fiber found in prune juice , combined with the presence of sorbitol, can stimulate the digestive process and improve the absorption of nutrients in the intestines.

Cancer prevention: 

Recent research into the effects of this juice has shown that it can measurably improve the environment of the gut microflora, which can lower the risk of colon cancer . More research is being done on the antioxidant effects of the juice on other types of cancer .

For blood pressure:

With the significant levels of potassium found in prune juice , this drink can keep your blood pressure in check. Potassium is a vasodilator, meaning it can relieve tension in arteries and blood vessels, putting less strain on the cardiovascular system and lowering the risk of atherosclerosis , heart attack, and stroke.

For circulation:

There is some iron in the juice made from prunes and this mineral is necessary for the production of red blood cells. This will increase your circulation, providing more oxygen and nutrients to the areas of the body that need it, as well as boosting energy levels.

Regulate metabolism:

With a wide range of B vitamins, plum juice  is able to ensure that our metabolism is regulated, which includes controlling the production of enzymes and hormones, eliminating birth defects and strengthening the immune system.

For pregnant women:

While many experts are cautious when recommending dietary choices for pregnant women, prune juice  is one that appears to be widely accepted and promoted in the health community. It is particularly effective for constipation during pregnancy , which is quite common at any point in pregnancy . This can relieve discomfort and pressure in the intestines, preventing hemorrhoids and other related conditions like cramping, bloating, and excess flatulence.

The other nutrients in prune juice  are also beneficial during pregnancy , but a frequent reason for using this drink. Like any dietary item during pregnancy , consume this drink in moderation.

Side Effects of Prune Juice: 

There are some side effects to consider before drinking, such as the risk of diarrhea and gastrointestinal distress, dehydration, weight gain, low blood sugar, and oxidative stress.

Prune juice not only contains a high level of dietary fiber but also sorbitol. Which can act as a laxative substance in the body. Although some people specifically drink this drink for those depleting effects. Excessive consumption of dietary fiber can cause abnormal amounts of gas and bloating, as well as diarrhea.

Many studies have linked consumption with a reduction in blood sugar levels. This can be excellent for those trying to manage their diabetic symptoms. But if you are taking medication to lower your blood sugar. Talk to your doctor before adding prune juice to  your daily routine.

Prune juice contains measurable levels of acrylamide, which is a neurotoxin and a carcinogen . Although the concentration is considered quite low, it is still of concern for people who have high levels of oxidative stress or are at high risk for various cancers .

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