Pequi oil in capsules: what is it for? are there side effects?

Pequi oil in capsules is a powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agent, its benefits have been proven over several years of research. It is extracted from the seeds of pequi fruits, grown in abundance in Brazil and used for culinary, medicinal and cosmetic purposes.

Pequi is an excellent ingredient in cooking, but not everyone appreciates it, either for its flavor or for its striking aroma. The use of pequi oil in capsules  favors those who do not like the taste of the fruit. Any individual can ingest it daily. It is recommended to consume two 400 mg capsules a day, but it is important to know that the use of all herbal medicines should be moderate.

What is pequi oil in capsules?

Pequi oil in capsules  is a natural product from the Brazilian Cerrado, cold extracted from the fruit pulp and subjected to an ultrafiltration process, which allows its deodorization and maintains its nutritional properties.

It is a powerful nutraceutical ally for athletes and people adept at a healthy lifestyle, it is highly valued for the preservation of the Brazilian cerrado and produces in a sustainable way, stimulating environmental awareness activities, appreciation of popular culture and economic strengthening of the region.

What is pequi oil in capsules for?

1. Reduces bad cholesterol:

Pequi oil in pequi capsules  may reduce inflammation after exercise , as well as lower bad cholesterol levels in older men over 45 years of age, says a new study from Brazil.

High concentrations of monounsaturated fatty acids in pequi oil were associated with beneficial effects on cholesterol levels in men over 45 years of age, while antioxidants  in the oil were associated with an anti-inflammatory response in a study involving 76 men and 49 women aged 15 years and over. and 67 years.

2. Prevents bad digestion:

This is one of the best benefits of pequi oil in capsules . This oil is one of the best digestive system stimulating oils. Plus, it has plenty of fiber that improves digestive health, reduces constipation , bloating, diarrhea , and cramps.

3. Improves heart health:

Pequi oil in capsules has rich health benefits for those with cardiovascular complications. It is full of mono-saturated fatty acids that lower high blood cholesterol levels and also protect your heart . In addition, it also builds walls of arteries and blood vessels, preventing heart attacks, coronary heart disease and strokes.

4. Promotes bone health:

Pequi oil in capsules  can also help improve your eyesight. This oil has high amounts of vitamin A , rich in carotenoids that act as antioxidants . This means that by using this oil or eating pequi, you can prevent macular degeneration and increase vision clarity. It damages free radicals and improves eye health to a great extent.

5. Improves hair health:

This is also considered one of the most effective benefits of pequi oil in capsules  . This oil helps with hair care maintenance if you are looking for a way to make your hair silky, shiny and healthy.

There is a fine line between oily hair and hair that looks healthy and shines beautifully it will definitely have your hair doing the latter. Its naturally conditioning elements will not weigh down the hair, but will, on the contrary, increase its luminosity and shine. This oil is the perfect serum for soft and beautiful hair.

6. Helps Hydrate the Skin:

This is also one of the excellent benefits of pequi oil in capsules  especially for women. Keeping your skin  properly hydrated is one of the most important steps in skin care . Many think that cleansing is the most vital step, but not moisturizing your skin  can be disastrous for your face and body .

One of the first precursors to these dreaded signs of aging is  dry skin . Dry skin  is more susceptible to wrinkles, fine lines and even sagging. This oil is amazing for keeping the skin  soft and well hydrated. A little goes a long way, as you can also use it as a body moisturizer. Every inch of your skin will thrive

The pequi is an abundant fruit in Brazil, especially in the Amazon basin. The extracted oil moisturizes and protects the skin  and hair. It is also full of nutrients and antioxidants , keeping the skin  healthy, firm and glowing.

7. It had antioxidant action:

As we reported from the beginning of the article, this is one of the most important benefits of pequi oil in capsules . In other words, it means that the product can help fight free radicals found in the body that cause serious diseases such as cancer and are associated with the aging process.

Other uses of pequi oil in capsules:

  • Soothes cracked, dry, troubled and damaged skin .
  • It helps in healing scars, showing blemishes and also prevents premature signs of aging.
  • It is used to treat skin lesions  and eczema.
  • It maintains skin elasticity  and also relieves age spots.
  • Helps prevent psoriasis symptoms such as scaling and dryness.
  • It evens out the skin tone  and also smoothes out wrinkles and lines.
  • It is used to cure skin problems such as psoriasis,  cracked skin and eczema.
  • Softens brittle nails if applied to feet and hands.
  • It is used as a treatment for mild dermatophytosis.
  • It reduces the level of total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol in men.
  • It can cure cancer diseases like sarcomas.
  • It reduces inflammation as well as blood pressure.

Side effects of pequi oil in capsules:

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Despite the many benefits of pequi oil in capsules , several studies have also come to the conclusion that if consumed improperly it can cause side effects such as sleep problems, mild fatigue and stomach pain.

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