Does orange juice really help with a cold?

Does orange juice really help with a cold? yes, because orange juice is an excellent source of vitamin C  which has a powerful antioxidant that protects cells and white blood cells .

In addition, vitamin C   helps defend the body from cold viruses and other germs, which can harm health. Therefore, there is no doubt that vitamin C plays a crucial role in maintaining strong immune system .

However, it’s unclear whether orange juice  actually boosts the body’s defenses , especially since most of the evidence on vitamin C is primarily for boosting the immune system and helping against colds and flu . So orange juice really helps with a cold!

While it’s impossible to compare taking vitamin C as part of orange juice with taking pills, and we know that no single nutrient contributes to a bulletproof immune system . Orange juice offers several nutrients that can help fight colds .

Besides vitamin C, what other nutrient does orange juice help with a cold?

Potassium is found in cells, including those that fight infection. Your body doesn’t produce potassium , so you need to consume it every day.For example, 8 grams of orange juice provides almost 20% of the suggested daily potassium intake for women and 15% for men.

In addition, potassium also plays a central role in water balance, which is important. So orange juice really helps with a cold.

In addition to vitamins, orange juice is a liquid, as you know, it helps to maintain body temperature and transport nutrients throughout the body.

One study even found that when compared to sports drinks, water, and other beverages, orange juice promoted better fluid balance and helped the body retain more potassium .

Orange juice also contains certain carotenoids which are beneficial plant compounds also called phytonutrients that the body converts into vitamin A.

However, vitamin A protects the tissues lining the nose and throat , which act as germ barriers. Therefore, the carotenoids in oranges also have antioxidant properties and help reduce inflammation, which makes you feel better.

Hesperidin is another plant compound in orange juice and preliminary research suggests that the hesperidin in the juice supports the   immune system . This is yet another reason that orange juice really helps with a cold.

Is orange juice good for coughs and colds?

Additionally, orange juice  provides a good source of potassium for healthy blood pressure, and folic acid and an excellent source of the   antioxidant vitamin C  , which has been shown to help support a healthy immune system .

What is the best juice to treat a cold?

Orange juice is a great cold remedy as it contains tons of vitamin C , which helps shorten the duration of colds .

How to make orange juice?


– 4 Orange ;
– Salt to taste;
– Sugar , to taste;

Preparation mode:

  1. Squeeze the orange between your hands to soften the pulp and obtain maximum juice extraction.
  2. In a bowl, mix the orange juice and the extracted pulp.
  3. Then, hit the blender.
  4. You can add sugar  and salt to taste if you wish at this stage.
  5. Serve orange juice !

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