Old man cinnamon tea – what is it for, benefits, how to make it!

Old man ‘s cinnamon tea is the tea of ​​a plant well known for its health benefits and to treat various diseases. In addition, Myconia albicans, popularly known as Canela-de-Velho, is one of the plants most associated with natural treatments against joint pain.

Its secret lies in the combo of anti-inflammatory phytochemicals that its leaves offer. But there are doubts among those interested in the use of this tea, such as whether investing in the tea in question can deregulate the heartbeat? The answer is: Even though some of the substances in old man’s cinnamon are stimulants, they do not pose a danger to the heart. “But the daily consumption limit must be respected.

What is old man’s cinnamon tea?

Miconia albicans is a shrub plant (from 0.7 to 3 m in height) also known as white-flowered lentil, cousin of the other lentil trees – with purple and pink flowers – that we already know. But, there are other plants that are known as old cinnamon.

Another cinnamon stick is Cenostigma macrophyllum Tul. var. acuminata or cinnamon tree, Paraná tree. Old cinnamon (Miconia albicans) is already well studied for its medicinal and curative properties as well as other plants of the same genus. In addition to the popular use already established, you can check out some links to scientific studies on this plant: for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action on the skin .

Nutritional value of old man cinnamon tea:

The Canela de Velho plant has a total of 15 different varieties of the Miconia albicans plant, all of which are capable of relieving pain. Antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, antimutagenic, hepatoprotective, tonic, antimicrobial, antitumor and digestive are the properties of this herb.

Benefits of Cinnamon Tea from Old Man:

1. Fight osteoarthritis:

Because it has anti-inflammatory action, it becomes a great ally for rheumatic diseases, such as osteoarthritis that affects cartilage and causes joint pain. That is, tea helps in the inflammatory process, but because it also has analgesic action, it also relieves pain.

2. Helps in the treatment of fibromyalgia:

Because it has analgesic action, it contributes to fibromyalgia, helping mainly to relieve pain that is one of the main symptoms of this type of problem.

3. Aid in digestion:

Together, the nutrients present in cinnamon tea make it an important digestive tonic, and it is also indicated in cases of stomach and intestinal problems, for example, diarrhea.

6. Helps in pain relief:

Old man ‘s cinnamon tea  is very suitable for cases of pain in general, whether caused by rheumatic diseases or not, for example, tendinitis and knee pain. It is believed that teas have been used for a long time to alleviate pain and this is one of the options that contribute to solving or reducing this problem!

How to choose old cinnamon herb?

The benefits of the plant, however, can only be enjoyed when the leaves are healthy. To choose, it is necessary to observe if there is mold coming from erroneous storage. Also, when buying at fairs, check if they were still green in the bag, as this cannot be done. On some of these occasions the plant is exposed without protection to dust, insects and dried in the sun. All these situations mentioned above must be discarded at the time of purchase.

The ideal form of conservation is in tin, porcelain or glass containers, but never in plastic. In addition, they must be dried in the shade, hung on clotheslines and covered with fabric, and then stored.

Old man cinnamon tea recipes :


  • 30 grams of Dehydrated Cinnamon Leaves
  • 1 Liter of Water.


Let it boil for 30 seconds (covered).

Old man cinnamon tea recipes :


  • 30 grams of Dry Old Cinnamon
    Leaves 1 Liter of Water.


Let it boil for 3 minutes (Covered).

How to drink cinnamon tea :

The daily recommended dosage is morning, afternoon and evening.
As you are going to prepare 500 ml every day, you will be able to drink 3 cups a day during these indicated periods, as it will have much more effect.


Useful links: 

No contraindications and side effects were found in the literature consulted, as long as the maximum consumption doses are observed. Always seek medical advice before consuming medicines, even if natural.

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