10 Natural Ways to Cure Warts

The Natural Ways To Cure Warts . simply and 100% natural. In addition, warts usually develop on the hands and feet, but they can occur anywhere on the body, they are usually contagious, so you should be careful when rubbing or scratching them and then touching other parts of the body. . So, check out  10 Natural Ways To Cure Warts:Banana Peel To Cure Warts: Rub the wart with a banana peel every day. In addition, you can also place the skin directly over the wart and keep it safe with a bandage. This home remedy can take weeks, so be patient. However, it is the best remedy to get rid of warts  without having to go to a doctor.

Apple Cider Vinegar To Cure Warts: The acid content of apple cider vinegar is what gets rid of warts . Soak a cotton ball in the vinegar and keep it in place with a bandage. Keep overnight, then discard the cotton. Do this every night and you will see results about a week later.

Baking Soda To Cure Warts: Dissolve some baking soda in water and then it will soak into the affected hand or foot, leave it for about 30 minutes. Do not clean your hand or foot. Instead, let it dry. Repeat this remedy until the wart disappears.

Aloe Vera Juice To Cure Warts: Consuming aloe vera juice will strengthen your immune system and fight the virus that causes warts . You can also apply the juice directly on the warts if you like. However, if you use traditional Aloe vera, try to get the real gel from the leaves. These are the most effective remedies for wart removal .

Castor Oil To Cure Warts: Rub the affected part of your body daily using castor oil . It may take a few weeks to a month for the results to show, but this procedure will be able tosafely get rid of the warts  , and if you combine it with applying a bandage over the wart it will have a better effect.

Raw Potatoes To Cure Warts: Take a slice of peeled raw sweet potato and rub it heavily over the warts . Do this a few times every day and you will see your warts  smaller in a few weeks.

Garlic To Cure Warts: Peel and crush a clove of garlic  and rub it on the parts of the body affected by Warts . You can also consume it orally to achieve results. Of course, you might smell like Italian cuisine, but it will be worth it. In a few weeks, you will see results. If you don’t want to smell like garlic , eat some parsley leaves, it will help freshen your breath and remove the garlic flavor from  your mouth.

Baking Powder To Cure Warts: Make a paste of baking powder with some castor oil . Apply this paste on the warts  and put a bandage on top. Keep it overnight. Remove the bandage the next morning and repeat the process until the warts are gone.

Vitamin C To Cure Warts: Make a paste of vitamin C tablets with some water. It is necessary to crush the pills first. Apply the paste on the wart and then use masking tape to cover the affected area. The content of vitamin C , is nothing more than ascorbic acid, acids help to eliminate the virus and make the wart smaller, until it falls off or disappears. Use this remedy until you see results.

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