5 Natural Remedies to Treat Colds During Pregnancy!
These natural remedies for treating colds during pregnancy are effective for coughs , flu , and sore throats , as when you become pregnant, your immune system is likely to change. As a result of these changes, you may catch a cold or cough at some point during your pregnancy. Also, the good news is that while you will likely feel tired, the symptoms of a cold or flu are usually not dangerous for your baby.
If you’re used to managing illness on your own, it’s best not to do so during pregnancy. So what to do if you can’t stand the symptoms of a cold?
However, protecting yourself against viruses is not easy at the moment, and even more so for pregnant women with low immunity. If you’re used to managing illness on your own, it’s best not to do so during pregnancy. So what to do if you can’t stand the symptoms of a cold?
News of the week:
When to see a doctor?
- High temperature;
- Throat plaque;
- green mucus from the nose;
- vomiting ;
- diarrhea ;
- Headaches ;
- cough ;
- Wheezing.
If such symptoms do not go away, and the doctor is not opposed to the use of folk remedies, then it is quite possible to help yourself without medication.
No self-medication:
Even with common acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections, during pregnancy period they cannot be used without medical supervision. After all, possible complications can harm the expectant mother and baby.
What are natural remedies to treat colds during pregnancy?
1. Treatment for runny nose:
A runny nose does not threaten pregnancy, but nasal congestion interferes with free breathing, and this can lead to less oxygen being delivered to the fetus. In addition, it is possible to alleviate the condition not only with prescription drugs, but also with home remedies.
2. Acupressure Massage:
Massage the skin at the base of the nostrils. This will relieve congestion and make breathing easier. Boiled water with diluted sea salt is an excellent remedy for a cold. And there’s no need to buy expensive sprays.
- Just dilute 1 teaspoon of sea salt in 2 glasses of boiled water and wash your nose several times a day with this solution.
3. Sore throat treatment:
Lozenges and alcoholic solutions are undesirable for the treatment of cough during pregnancy. However, that doesn’t mean you have to wait and wait for your throat to pass on its own.
4. Inhalation:
Use decoctions of medicinal plants (chamomile, sage, thyme, eucalyptus, lavender, oregano, mint, oak bark, birch buds, etc. Essential oils ( eucalyptus , juniper, anise, almond ), sea salt solution (1 tablespoon tea per 0.5 liters of water.) For inhalation, use water whose temperature does not exceed 60 – 65 degrees. Breathe through your mouth for 15 minutes.
5. Cough treatment:
The most harmless and at the same time effective remedy for coughing during pregnancy is inhalation, which is done using a nebulizer. In this case we will use mineral water (preferably in glass bottles purchased at a pharmacy). Saline solution (sodium chloride) can also be used, which will not harm the expectant mother or baby either.
How to increase immunity during pregnancy?
Useful links:
During pregnancy, it is recommended to severely limit the use of drugs due to contraindications. Therefore, to boost immunity during pregnancy, general health promotion measures will help.
- A daily walk in the fresh air gradually strengthens the immune system.
- Adjust your habits for a healthy lifestyle.
- In no case do not drink alcohol during pregnancy. Smoking also negatively affects the functioning of the immune system.
- Eat right.
- Try not to eat on the go and in large portions.
- Make sure you get at least 8 to 9 hours of sleep a day. Good sleep also strengthens the immune system.