10 Natural Remedies for Stomach Pain!

There are many natural remedies for stomach pain as it is a very common occurrence and can be associated with various origins. From the simple pain derived from gas accumulation or constipation, to pain caused by more serious situations such as an ulcer, the truth is that stomach pain  is one of the most common symptoms in humans.

In most situations, stomach pain  is easily resolved through simple treatments or home remedies for whatever causes the pain. However, when the pain is persistent, the cause may need medical intervention, requiring medication.

To treat stomach pain, especially to avoid more serious problems, we have the following home remedies, easy to do and useful for everyday life.

Natural remedies for stomach ache:

1. Sodium bicarbonate:

Baking soda is an age-old remedy for upset stomachs. It is recommended to mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water and drink. You can repeat this every two hours as needed.

2. Ginger :

Since it is a natural anti-inflammatory, making ginger tea and drinking it can alleviate the irritation that can occur with overeating.

3. Peppermint :

Great for treating an upset stomach , peppermint has the benefit of being consumed in a variety of ways. It is recommended to drink the tea or suck on peppermint-derived sweets. Even chewing gum can help.

4. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Another recommended remedy for treating an upset stomach  is apple cider vinegar . You can take 1 tbsp directly; Or if it’s too strong, you can mix it with water and add a little honey to sweeten it.

5. Chamomile tea:

By relaxing the muscles of the digestive system, chamomile tea can help you when you are overeating. In addition, it is recommended to prepare a cup and drink it around mealtime.

6. Rice tea: 

If you don’t have chamomile tea on hand, grab some rice. Doctors Health Press says to put 1/2 cup of rice in 6 cups of water and boil for 15 minutes. Also, drain the rice and drink the tea to relieve stomach pain . You can add a little honey for taste if you need to.

7. Carbonated water :

It is also recommended to relieve stomach pain  using carbonated water to relieve an upset stomach.

8. Heat :

Heating pads and hot water bottles increase blood flow to the area that is bothering you. Also, placing a heat source on your stomach is recommended by several experts to relieve stomach pain .

9. Change your eating habits:

It is recommended to consume lots of whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Plus, the extra fiber prevents indigestion.

10. Eat less:

Overeating is also the cause of an upset stomach. Also, just limit the portions you consume to solve this great discomfort.

Doing some kind of physical activity regularly is also a great way to vent your emotions and thus avoid stomach, emotional and skin pain .

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