Mate Tea – Benefits, Uses and Side Effects!

Mate Tea – Benefits, Uses and Side Effects! Mate  tea  has essential nutrients for health well-being. In addition,  Mate Tea is a traditional South American drink that is gaining worldwide popularity. It is said to have the strength of coffee, the health benefits of tea and the joy of chocolate. Mate Tea is  an herbal tea made from the leaves and twigs of the Ilex paraguariensis plant. The leaves are typically fire-dried, then steeped in hot water to make tea.

Mate tea is traditionally consumed from a container called a “gourd” and sipped with a metal straw that has a strainer at the bottom to strain the leaf fragments. Mate tea comes from the leaves and stems of a medicinal plant called yerba mate, scientifically named Ilex paraguariensis, which is widely consumed in the southern region of the country, in the form of mate or tereré.

Mate tea can be found in pharmacies, drugstores, supermarkets and natural products stores in its natural form (leaves), in sachets or in powder to dissolve in water or milk. It is contraindicated in case of insomnia, nervousness and anxiety. So, now see all about  Mate Tea – Benefits, Uses and Side Effects:

  • Helps to lower cholesterol ;
  • Eliminates toxins from the liver;
  • It is great for decreasing diabetes ;
  • Prevents premature aging;
  • Helps improve digestion ;
  • Help protect the heart .

Nutritional Value of Mate  Tea: Mate Tea – 1 liter (daily recommendation): Calories 30 kcal; Proteins 0 g; Lipids 1 g; Carbohydrates 6 g; Calcium 10 mg; Magnesium 20 mg; Manganese 2.7 mg; Potassium 50 mg and Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) 8.9 mg. So, now see in detail the main benefits of Mate Tea  for health:

Benefits of Mate Tea to  Lower Cholesterol:  A survey carried out by the Federal University of Santa Catarina found that consuming three daily doses (approximately 300 ml each or almost 1 liter per day) of  Mate Tea  decreases  bad cholesterol rates by 13%LDL, and increases the good cholesterol, HDL. According to experts, this happens because Mate Tea has some substances – alkaloids and glycides – capable of interacting with bile acids and reducing the absorption of cholesterol .

Benefits of Mate Tea to Protect the Heart: Because it is rich in antioxidants, Mate Tea helps prevent heart disease. The presence of substances called polyphenols are most responsible for this prevention. “They prevent the accumulation of fat in the vessels and prevent inflammatory diseases”, he says. In addition, lowering cholesterol itself helps protect the heart .

Benefits of Mate Tea to Improve Digestion: Mate tea helps in the release of digestive juices, mainly bile and, therefore, can facilitate the digestion  of food. In addition,  Mate Tea  has a diuretic action, helping to eliminate toxins that are harmful to the body and make it difficult to lose weight.

Benefits of Mate Tea to Stimulate the Brain:  The xanthines, substances similar to caffeine, present in Mate Tea can improve brain performance. Nutritionist Roberto explains that the brain ages by oxidation of neurons. As Mate Tea is a good source of antioxidant polyphenols, it can indirectly delay this aging process. But moderation is needed: in excess, Mate Tea  can cause irritability and insomnia.

Benefits of Mate Tea to Accelerate Weight Loss:  In addition to having a thermogenic effect, which accelerates metabolism and increases caloric expenditure at rest,  Mate Tea has lipolytic action, which facilitates the burning of excess fat. If you include  Mate Tea  in a balanced diet, you will be even more likely to lose weight.

 Benefits of Mate Tea to Protect the Liver: Mate tea  can help in the oxidation of liver fat and, therefore, collaborate with the treatment of hepatic steatosis, which is the accumulation of fat in the liver.

Benefits of Mate Tea to Prevent Early Aging:  Because it is rich in antioxidants, Mate Tea  promotes a natural deceleration of aging. Mate tea has chlorogenic acid , which is an antioxidant capable of influencing various body mechanisms, by reducing cellular oxidation, it promotes a metabolic balance, its antioxidant polyphenols protect cells against free radicals (molecules that cause aging and diseases) , by fighting free radicals in the body, phenolic compounds can decrease cellular aging and the risks for some types of cancers.

Benefits of Mate Tea To Decrease Diabetes:  Mate tea is interesting for type 2 diabetics because it helps to lower blood glucose . Responsible for this are phenolic compounds. They can act in two ways: in the first, phenolic compounds can inhibit an enzyme responsible for the synthesis of glucose in the liver and in the second, they decrease the capacity of the glucose receptor in the intestine, causing less absorption of sugar. Saponins are substances with an anti-inflammatory effect that help reduce bad cholesterol.

Benefits of Mate Tea to Combat Muscle Fatigue:  Sports practitioners should consume Mate Tea often, in addition to hydrating it stimulates the nerves and muscles and even helps to fight muscle fatigue. It is also an excellent stimulant for the brain, as it is a good source of antioxidant polyphenols, indirectly it can delay this aging, in excess,  Mate Tea  can cause irritability and insomnia, it also increases cognitive performance after periods of stress and deprivation of energy. sleep.

How to Drink Mate Tea: Mate  tea can be ingested hot or cold, and a few drops of lemon can be added.

  • For tea: Place 1 teaspoon of Mate Tea in a cup of boiling water. Allow to cool, strain and then drink. You can consume up to 1 liter of Mate Tea per day.

Side Effects of Mate Tea:  People who are more sensitive to caffeine, developing some type of gastric burning like heartburn, should avoid consuming Mate Tea . Also due to caffeine, Mate Tea  is not recommended for people with insomnia and in general it is not interesting to consume them a little before bed.

Risks of Excessive Consumption:  Consumption of  Mate Tea beyond the recommended one liter daily can be harmful. This is because it is rich in caffeine, which in large amounts can cause insomnia, tachycardia and gastritis, as it increases gastric secretion.

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