Liver Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments!
Liver Cancer – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. In addition, liver cancer is divided into two categories: primary liver cancer and secondary, or metastatic (originating in another organ and affecting the liver as well ).
The term “primary liver ” is used in tumors originating in the liver , such as hepatocarcinoma or hepatocellular carcinoma (most common primary malignant tumor occurring in more than 80% of cases), cholangiocarcinoma (which affects the bile ducts within the liver ) , angiosarcoma (blood vessel tumor) and, in children, hepatoblastoma. Then check out Liver Cancer- Causes, Symptoms and Treatments.
Causes of Liver Cancer: Cirrhosis ( formation of scars or nodules that block blood circulation , usually caused by alcohol abuse) and chronic infections caused by the hepatitis B and C viruses are the main risk factors forprimary liver cancer tumors . However, there are others that are also worth mentioning:
News of the week:
- metabolic diseases such as steatosis (accumulation of fat in the liver ) and diabetes ;
- frequent consumption of alcohol;
- use of anabolic steroids;
- pre-malignant lesions;
- obesity ;
- exposure to foods that contain aflatoxin, a substance produced by two types of fungi (molds) found in foods, especially peanuts , corn and cassava , if stored under unfavorable conditions.
Signs and Symptoms of Liver Cancer : The signs and symptoms of liver cancer often only appear in later stages of the disease, but sometimes they can appear earlier. If you see your doctor at the first symptoms, liver cancer can be diagnosed earlier and treatment started when it is still most likely to be helpful.
- Weight loss.
- Lack of appetite.
- Sensation of fullness in the upper abdomen after a light meal.
- Nausea .
- vomiting .
- fever _
- Enlarged liver .
- Enlarged spleen.
- Abdominal pain.
- Swelling or accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.
- itching .
- Jaundice (yellowing of the skin and mucous membranes).
- Belly veins dilated and visible through the skin.
- Worsening of chronic hepatitis or cirrhosis .
Some liver tumors produce hormones that act on organs other than liver cancer and can cause:
• Hypercalcemia (Increased calcium in the blood ).
• Hypoglycemia (Decrease in blood sugar ).
• Gynecomastia (Breast Enlargement in Men).
• Erythrocytosis (Increased red blood cells ) .
• High cholesterol levels .
These liver cancer symptoms are also related to other diseases, they are not necessarily signs and symptoms unique to liver cancer . However, if any of these symptoms exist, a doctor should be consulted for an accurate diagnosis and initiation of treatment if necessary.
Useful links:
Diagnosis of Liver Cancer: The diagnosis of liver cancer usually occurs from the follow-up and screening of patients with risk factors. Some tests are usually part of the investigation: Blood test Abdominal ultrasound Computed tomography Magnetic resonance imaging Laparoscopy.