Lemonade Diet: Does it work? how to do it, benefits and menu

The lemonade diet is for those who want to learn how to lose weight in an incredible way with this diet that have had incredible results in weight loss.

Plus, who doesn’t love a refreshing glass of lemonade? In addition to being delicious and refreshing, there are several health benefits of lemonade.

In addition, much consumed by us Brazilians , especially in the hottest seasons, because of its refreshment, lemon juice is a powerful food option for our health, regardless of the weather.

Considered a superfood, the fruit carries a real arsenal of nutrients for the proper functioning of the body and incredible for weight loss , used a lot in diets to lose weight fast.

What is the Lemonade Diet?

It has four main ingredients : fresh lemon juice, cayenne pepper , maple syrup and plain water.

In addition, the diet is sometimes also known as “cleansing juice”. This diet is reputed to be the best diet to lose weight and get rid of accumulated toxins.

The lemonade diet is said to work wonders, cleansing the body of harmful toxins, especially in the colon region.

Today, the lemonade diet is one of the fastest and most extreme weight loss programs for those looking to shed those extra pounds super fast.

When following this diet, no solid food is allowed.

He calls for six or more servings of the specialized lemonade mix every day.

In addition, the flow of salt water helps to cleanse the body.

Different people incorporate this diet for varying periods of time, most lasting two days.

Furthermore, matching food with diet throughout the entire process would therefore defeat its primary purpose.

However, foods can be included at the beginning and end of the lemonade diet to ease your body on and off the diet.

How Does the Lemonade Weight Loss Diet Work?

Those following the lemonade diet are required to consume a mixture of lemon juice , cayenne pepper , maple syrup, and plain water at least six times a day.

Any solid food should be avoided, except in phases 1 and 3.

Calorie intake should be well below the dieter’s previous daily intake.

Additionally, individuals on the diet should consume approximately 500 to 600 calories a day, which is well below the prescribed 1,600 calories for women and 2,500 calories for men.

Eating a low-calorie liquid diet for 10 days will help your body use fat cells as a source of energy to perform necessary functions.

How does the Lemonade Cleansing Diet work?

The main ingredient in the lemonade diet , lemon, is an excellent source of vitamin C , which is an antioxidant.

In addition, antioxidants scavenge free oxygen radicals that damage cell structure. This can lead to a number of illnesses such as heart disease, hearing impairment, stroke and heart attack.

Maple syrup is also an antioxidant. In addition, it is a good source of manganese , which helps cells produce energy and is essential for normal nerve and brain function.

This sweet golden syrup also contains immune-boosting zinc.

Additionally, other minerals found in maple syrup, such as calcium , potassium , and magnesium , help prevent stroke and high blood pressure.

Cayenne pepper is an anti-allergen, protects from cold and flu, has anti-fungal and anti-irritant properties, aids digestion, aids in migraine prevention, and aids in the production of saliva.

Water keeps your body’s cells hydrated, maintains cell turgidity, and helps flush toxins out of the body.

How to Prepare Lemonade Detox Drink?


  • Water;
  • Also, 2 tablespoons of Grade B maple syrup;
  • 2 tablespoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice;
  • Also, a pinch of cayenne pepper ;

Preparation mode:

  • In a glass, add the rich maple syrup.
  • Also, add lemon juice .
  • Add a pinch of cayenne pepper .
  • Finally, add the water and mix well.

What to Eat During This Diet

  • Fruits – apple , orange, grapes, kiwi, watermelon and melon.
  • Vegetables – Spinach, carrots, beets, tomatoes, peppers, lettuce, beans, gourds, eggplant , onions, broccoli, cabbage and squash .
  • Herbs – coriander, mint, thyme, rosemary and dill.
  • Nuts – Almonds and walnuts.
  • Protein – Lentils, sprouts, fish, chicken, tofu, turkey, soybeans, beans, black-eyed peas, flax seeds and pumpkin seeds .
  • Beverages – fruit juice, milk and green tea .

What Not to Eat During This Diet

  • Fruits – ripe mango, dates, plum, apricot and papaya.
  • Vegetables – Pumpkin  and potato.
  • Nuts – cashews, hazelnuts and peanuts.
  • Protein – beef and pork.
  • Beverages – Alcohol, sugary and carbonated beverages, and sweetened fruit juice.

Best Part of the Lemonade Diet

The best part of this diet is that you get a lean body quickly and you also end up with beautiful skin.

Furthermore, low calories keep your weight in check and also use stored fat as energy to perform various functions.

The lemonade diet ingredients constantly supply your body with vitamins and minerals.

This diet includes solid foods before and after the real lemonade diet phase.

This helps your body gradually get used to less food.

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