Lemon juice to treat toothache: how to make it, recipes and tips

Lemon juice is an excellent home remedy.

Toothache is a very common physical discomfort in or around a tooth.

Sometimes the toothache can be very severe, to the point of being described as unbearable.

Causes of toothache

A toothache is usually the result of tooth decay or sometimes an infection.

Tooth decay is often caused by poor dental hygiene, although the tendency to have cavities is partly hereditary.

Sometimes toothache is actually due to pain in other parts of the body.

This is called reflex or radiating pain. For example, sometimes an earache can trigger a toothache .

Several other causes, including:

  • dental  abscess
  • Earache
  •  Injury to the jaws or mouth
  •  Heart attack (may include jaw pain, neck pain, or toothache )
  •  Sinusitis.

Symptoms of toothache

Toothache usually comes on suddenly and can range from mild discomfort to severe pain.

These pains can radiate to the jaw, head, and ear.

The pain usually gets worse when eating or drinking.

If the pain is caused by sensitivity, it is made worse by eating very hot or cold foods or drinks.

The pain can also get worse when lying down, as it increases the pressure on the tooth .

Typical symptoms of toothache include:

  • Pains when chewing,
  •  Pain when eating very hot or very cold food or drinks,
  •  Bleeding teeth and/or gums,
  •  jaw swelling,
  •  Swelling around the teeth .

Toothache Treatments

The treatment of toothache depends on each case and the causes of pain.

Dentists usually prescribe medications such as aspirin, acetaminophen, ibuprofen or other anti-inflammatory/analgesic drugs to relieve pain.

Lemon Juice Recipe for Treating Toothache


  • 1 lemon juice
  • 1 piece of cotton or gauze

Preparation mode

  • Soak the cotton or gauze in pure lemon juice , remove the excess and apply this compress to the tooth that is hurting or inflamed, leaving it to act for a few minutes. This procedure should be repeated at least 3 times a day.
  • Another way to use lemon to combat toothache is to prepare a mixture of lemon and water (in equal parts) and use this mixture to make mouthwash right after brushing your teeth correctly.

2. Guava juice with yogurt


Preparation mode

  • Cut the guava and take it to the blender with the sugar and the yogurt , beat for a few moments.
  • Add ice and shake; serve in a long glass and garnish with slices of Guava .

OBS.: It is always important that toothaches are immediately treated, because, in addition to ensuring an improvement in the patient’s quality of life, it prevents possible infections from spreading through the paranasal sinuses and jaw bone, causing septicemia.

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