Hydrocele – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments!
Hydrocele – What is it, Symptoms and Treatments of this condition. Also, Hydrocele is a fluid-filled sac that forms around the testicles. Hydrocele is more common in babies . According to the Official Foundation of the American Urological Association, about 10% of men are born with a hydrocele . However, they can affect males of any age.
Hydrocele usually poses no threat to the testicles. They are usually painless and go away without treatment. However, if you have scrotal swelling, see your doctor to rule out other causes, such as testicular cancer .
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Causes of Hydrocele: It is not always easy to determine the cause of Hydrocele .
Normally, the testicles are surrounded by a small volume of fluid that has the function of lubricating them. Hydrocele occurs when there is an imbalance between the production and absorption of this liquid, causing it to accumulate.
Hydrocele can be caused by inflammatory processes of the testicles or neighboring structures or by trauma, obstruction of lymphatic vessels or tumors.
In the fetus, the testes are formed in the abdominal cavity and migrate posteriorly towards the scrotum, along a path that usually closes naturally. If this does not happen, fluids from the abdominal cavity pass into the scrotal sac, accumulating there and resulting in a baby ‘s Hydrocele .
Symptoms of Hydrocele: Hydrocele usually does not cause pain. Usually, the only symptom is aswollen scrotum . In adult men, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the scrotum . In some cases, the swelling may be worse in the morning than in the evening.
Seek medical treatment if you or your child has sudden or severe pain in your scrotum . This could be the sign of another condition called testicular torsion. Testicular torsion occurs when the testicles become twisted, typically due to an injury or accident. Testicular torsion is not common, but it is a medical emergency because it can lead to blocked blood supply to the testicle.
If you think you or your child has testicular torsion, go immediately to a hospital emergency room or call 911. This symptom needs to be evaluated and treated immediately.
Hydrocele Diagnoses : To diagnose a Hydrocele , your doctor will perform a physical exam. If you have a Hydrocele , your scrotum will be swollen but you won’t be in pain. Your doctor will not be able to feel your testicle through the fluid-filled sac.
Your doctor can check for tenderness in the scrotum and shine a light through the scrotum . This is called transillumination. It allows your doctor to determine if there is fluid in the scrotum . If fluid is present, the scrotum will allow light transmission and the scrotum will appear to light up. However, if the scrotal swelling is due to a solid mass (cancer), light will not shine through the scrotum .
Your doctor may also apply pressure to your abdomen to check for another condition called an inguinal hernia . This can occur when part of the small intestine extends past the groin due to a weak spot in the abdominal wall. While it’s usually not life-threatening, a doctor may recommend surgery to repair it.
They may take a blood or urine sample to test for infections. Less commonly, your doctor may administer an ultrasound to check for hernias , tumors, or any other cause of scrotal swelling.
Hydrocele Treatments: Testicular hydroceles that affect babies usually go away on their own within about a year. However, if the Hydrocele does not disappear after this period or increases in size, it must be surgically removed.
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For adults, hydroceles usually heal on their own within six months. In these cases, testicular hydroceles require treatment only if they are very large – enough to cause pain or disfigurement. Otherwise, it may need to be removed through surgery as well.