How to Use Cinnamon to Control Diabetes
How to Use Cinnamon to Control Diabetes. Also, cinnamon is a popular spice in Asian countries. The herb is known for its rich flavor. Specifically, Cinnamon is the bark of the Cinnamon tree . Cultivated in Sri Lanka, Cinnamon is widely used in Brazil and its neighboring countries. In the United States, cinnamon is known as “cassia” or Chinese cinnamon .
Cinnamon peels are dark and have a bitter taste. While they are used whole in some culinary preparations, some people use cinnamon as a powder. This spice is used in the treatment of many diseases. Diabetes is the most common disease treated by Cinnamon .
just one full teaspoon of Cinnamon contains over 1mg of Iron , 1gm of Fiber and 28mg of Calcium in addition to adequate amounts of Vitamin K , Vitamin C and Manganese . Cinnamon helps to treat Diabetes , Do you want to know how Cinnamon helps in the cure of Diabetes ? So, check out How to Use Cinnamon to Control Diabetes:
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Cinnamon grows mainly in two varieties. There are many studies conducted on the relationship between Diabetes and Cinnamon ; The benefits of this spice in curing Type 2 Diabetes have been established . Some of this research has explained how Cinnamon can effectively lower the blood sugar level of diabetic patients.
It has been found that diabetic patients have no control over insulin hormone secretion. Intake of Cinnamon helps to release the essential hormone that keeps diabetes in check. One experiment required some diabetic patients to consume 1 to 6 grams of cinnamon for forty consecutive days.
At the end of the experiment, it was concluded that the ingestion of Cinnamon on a regular basis reduced the percentage of Cholesterol invariably among the patients. Also, her blood sugar dropped about 24% last time. This experience further reinstated the importance of Cinnamon ‘s therapeutic effect in diabetic patients.
Is cinnamon safe for diabetic patients? How Does Cinnamon Benefit Diabetics? While it is evident that cinnamon is helpful for diabetes patients , many may doubt whether it is really safe for regular intake.
Well, diabetic patients can confidently consume this spice in moderation in the regular course as it has almost no side effects. However, people with liver damage should be careful with the consumption of this spice, as many of them can have an adverse effect on it.
Cinnamon supplements are considered a cooking spice, not a raw medicine. However, the same spice is used for the preparation of medicine. It is always advisable for the diabetic patient to buy the supplement from a reputable store, as the quality of the spice differs surprisingly. Check the nutrition label on the package.
How should diabetic patients eat cinnamon ? Cinnamon is a tasty spice . It is an ideal option to replace the sugar present in many recipes. It performs even better when used as a spice or sugar alternative in meat, sauces, desserts and vegetable dishes.
You can also replace the sweetener with cinnamon to reduce the amount of sugar in the cooked food. Cinnamon can be mixed into pulled pork marinade, homemade barbecue sauce and even marinara sauces.
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Cinnamon can easily replace regular sugar or brown sugar in cooking preparations with vegetables, such as carrots or candied yams . Using this spice in cooking provides a sweet tasting dish without the glucose spike.