How to treat hair loss NATURALLY in 7 days

How to Treat Hair Loss NATURALLY in 7 Days , in addition, hair loss is a common problem that affects millions of people around the world. Firstly, it is essential to make a distinction between hair  loss and baldness. Men, in general, are the most affected by baldness or androgenetic alopecia, although many women also suffer from this problem. Baldness is the lack of hair on the head and numerous factors can cause hair loss. Depending on the cause, there are different ways to deal with the problem.

Male baldness, the most common type, for example, has several types of treatment, but many people end up choosing not to perform any type of treatment and “assume” their own baldness . Hair loss can be progressive in the case of male pattern baldness , but it can also happen suddenly in the case of alopecia areata. It can affect only the scalp, but it can also affect the entire body. Some types of alopecia are only temporary, while others are permanent. On the other hand, Hair Loss is a more common complaint among women and, when pathological, has several causes, such as thyroid disease, iron deficiency, breastfeeding, infectious and autoimmune diseases, among others.

The exact cause of hair loss will determine the amount of hair lost, the speed at which it will happen and which parts of the body will suffer the most from hair loss, on the other hand, hair  loss is a more common complaint among women. and, when pathological, it has several causes, such as thyroid diseases, iron deficiency , breastfeeding, infectious and autoimmune diseases, among others. The exact cause of hair loss will determine how much hair is lost, how quickly it will happen, and which parts of the body will suffer the most from hair loss.

Causes of Hair Loss:

  • Weight Loss: Hair Loss associated with massive weight loss can have several explanations. One of them is that the weight loss may have been caused by a very radical diet, as we have just seen, or by a condition of hyperthyroidism. It could also be a case of talogen effluvium, a type of temporary hair loss that can happen when the body goes through any major change or impact. In this case, the tendency is for the hair to stop falling out as soon as the body stabilizes with the new weight.
  • Lack of Iron:  Many people who experience hair loss also have low levels of iron . Science has not yet been able to clearly establish the relationship between the occurrences, but many experts observe significant improvements in patients’ hair  loss when iron levels are improved (and many doctors believe that you don’t have to be anemic to benefit from this measurement type).
  • Too much vitamin A:  Vitamin A is very important for our eyesight, skin health, immune system and a number of other functions. But hypervitaminosis A (excess vitamin in the body) can end up causing hair loss (in addition to other symptoms such as decreased appetite, dry skin, dizziness, headaches and liver damage). It is extremely difficult to get excess vitamin A from just normal food. Most current cases of hypervitaminosis A are associated with excessive consumption of vitamin supplements and certain medications (such as retinoids, which are derived from vitamin A ).
  • Thermal Straightening and Styling:  It can often feel like your hair is falling out, when in fact it is breaking. The application of excessive heat (with dryers, flat irons, curling irons and hair curlers) can damage the structure of the wires, making them more fragile and susceptible to breakage. The risk of damage is even greater when the hair is wet.
  • Tight Hairstyles: Tight  ponytails, ballerina buns, and braided hairstyles that are too close to the scalp put a lot of tension on the hair, which can cause it to pull out of the follicles. In the long term, traction alopecia may develop. Also pay attention to the accessories used to secure the hair, such as elastic bands, clips and buckles.
  • Very Aggressive Chemistry:  Bleaching, dyes and chemical straightening mess with the structure of the hair, opening the hair cuticle and giving access to the cortex (click here to understand how they work). During these procedures, the hair is extremely exposed and fragile, and if they are not done correctly, the wires can become opaque, porous, dry and brittle. To avoid this risk, always look for a trusted professional and test a small strand before applying the product to your entire hair. It is worth mentioning separately the straighteners that use formaldehyde or glutaral. None of them are authorized by Anvisa, as they can cause serious damage to health.
  • Menstrual Period:  Some women tend to have more severe hair  loss during their menstrual period. This may have to do with both the hormonal fluctuation of the period and blood loss (especially if the flow is very intense), which can intensify a picture of iron deficiency (a mineral that is also essential for hair growth). If the case is mild, it may be that a boost in food can increase iron levels and reduce hair loss.
  • Birth Control:  Birth control pills have different combinations of hormones that inhibit ovulation, and can cause hair loss for a variety of reasons. In some people this happens as a reaction to the medication (as seen with other medications), in other cases it is the hormonal profile of the pill that affects the hair . It is believed that progesterone-dominant formulas can stimulate the onset of androgenetic alopecia if the person already has a tendency. Pills with a higher proportion of estrogen can have the opposite effect: protecting hair from falling out and encouraging its growth. In this case, it is possible that there will be Hair Loss when the pill is stopped.
  • Menopause:  Women are thought to develop androgenetic alopecia later than men because female hormones protect follicles from the action of DHT (the hormone that causes baldness). As the production of these hormones is reduced after menopause, hair can be more vulnerable to falling out . Hormone replacement therapy can help prevent this effect, but it’s an option that should be considered with your doctor weighing all factors related to your health (not just hair loss ).
  • Hypertension:  Hypertension can trigger hair loss for a number of reasons. In addition to the impact that the disease itself generates on the body, several cases of hypertension are associated with low levels of zinc in the body, and some antihypertensive drugs (such as beta-blockers) can also be to blame. The first step in these cases is to ensure that the hypertension is treated. If hair loss persists even with normal blood pressure, it’s worth talking to your doctor to check for a zinc deficiency or if switching medications (or lowering the dosage) can be done.

Hair Loss Symptoms:  The scalp contains about 100,000 hairs . More than 90% of them are growing. This phase, called anagen, is accompanied by another cycle, catagenic, which lasts two weeks. This is followed by the telogenic phase, of rest, which lasts for three months: the hair then falls out naturally and, therefore, it is common to lose up to 100 hairs a day. When Hair Loss is abundant, it is always noticed, because of its accumulation on clothes, comb or brush. Several medical conditions are manifested through this symptom, and, if any significant change is noticed, the doctor indicated to evaluate the problem is the dermatologist.

How to Prevent Hair Loss: Hair  loss can have numerous causes and here are 5 easy tips to prevent hair loss, they are:

  • Wash your hair at least 2 times a week. It is not necessary to wash every day, unless you have very oily hair, the ideal is to wash whenever your hair is dirty, and this time may vary from person to person.
  • Invest in a healthy diet, rich in vitamins and minerals as this will help to strengthen the hair root, restricting its fall.
  • Rinse the hair very well, removing all the shampoo and conditioner. This care avoids the oiliness of the root, preventing hair loss.
  • Untangle the hair while still in the shower when applying the cream or conditioner, starting the process at the ends, leaving the roots for last.
  • Only hold the hair when it is very dry, because when holding the hair still wet or damp, the root can suffer damage, favoring the fall.

In addition, it is important to have the habit of not stressing out and to practice physical exercise regularly, so that blood circulation improves and, consequently, the hair becomes stronger and more resistant to falling out. It is also important to clarify that Hair Loss is common in the first months of breastfeeding, after surgeries and in case of hormonal disorders and in the latter case, it is best to treat this lack of control, as this is the cause of hair loss.

How to Treat Hair Loss:  Each pathology has a series of characteristics that help in the investigation to reach the diagnosis. Therefore, once the cause is identified, the appropriate treatment must be done. Currently available treatments for hair  loss are:

  • Fix the cause of hair loss .
  • Use of topical medications to stimulate growth.
  • Use of laser also to stimulate hair growth.
  • Hair transplant.

If you notice that the natural daily hair loss is increasing or has increased abruptly, the ideal is to look for a dermatologist to start the process of investigating the cause and then do the right treatment for the cause of Hair Loss.

Home Remedy for Hair Loss with Aloe:  An excellent home remedy for hair loss is to apply a solution made with aloe , a plant also known as Aloe vera, as it has great hydrating power that strengthens the hair, preventing hair loss and promotinggrowth. So, now check out  How to Treat Hair Loss NATURALLY in 7 Days .


  • aloe leaf .
  • 1/2 glass of water.

Preparation mode:

  • Mix the ingredients in the blender and then apply a little bit all over the scalp, with the help of a small piece of cotton and let it act for 24 hours and then wash your hair normally. This hair loss
    remedy can be repeated every 15 days. There is no need to wear a shower cap, rub or heat as it can cause skin irritation.

Note: Do not forget to go to the dermatologist before starting these home treatments, it may be that the solution to your Hair Loss is much easier or much more complicated to treat.

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