Get Rid Of All Blackheads Instantly With This Recipe!

How To Quickly Remove Blackheads In Just 5 Minutes . In addition, it is possible to eliminate blackheads from the face without having to spend a lot of money on skin cleanings in aesthetic clinics. For this, you need to follow a few simple steps that allow you to remove those unwanted marks without hurting or marking the skin.

How does a blackhead form?: The process of forming a blackhead  begins inside the sebaceous follicle – a structure within the skin where the hair roots and sebaceous glands are located, which produce the natural fat that protects the skin from drying out. The opening of this follicle is what we call a pore in the skin. When it clogs, it makes the fat accumulate in the place. When the clogged pore is large, the stored fat has greater contact with the air and oxidizes, forming a black “cap” – the open blackhead  .

Wider pores, in which there is stored fat, leads to the formation of a blackhead  that usually will not develop into acne later. In narrower pores, there is less contact between the fat and the air, so the black spot created by oxidation does not appear. On the other hand, some bacteria proliferate at the site and start to feed on the stored fat. This type of blackhead is called a white spot (or closed blackhead), which can lead to pimple development. So Now Check out the recipe for  How to Remove Blackheads Quickly in Just 5 Minutes .

What do you need:

  • Half a Lemon (which can be squeezed).
  • Three (3) drops of Honey .

How to use:

  • Mix the Lemon and Honey until it forms a homogeneous mixture.
  • Then rub it on your face. Try to focus more on areas with more blackheads and whiteheads.
  • Leave for 5 to 7 minutes and wash off with cold water afterwards.
  • You will notice the difference right away. Do this twice a week.

Why Does the Recipe Work?: Lemon has acidic properties and helps remove dead skin, allowing new skin to grow. In this way, end up cleaning the pores and consequently the blackheads together.

Honey is a natural antibiotic and is good for removing dirt from the skin pores. In addition to helping to close the skin pores and give a clearer complexion. It contains antioxidant, antiseptic, and antibacterial features that destroy germs or clog unclog pores.

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