How to Permanently End Vaginal Odor in 10 Minutes!

How to Permanently End Vaginal Odor in 10 Minutes! that any woman can do. In addition, it is common for women to notice a characteristic smell in the vagina . The region produces substances, such as sweat, fat and secretions, which give off an odor. More than natural, this environment is fundamental for women’s intimate health and, therefore, should not be modified with the use of douches or genital deodorant in an attempt to eliminate odor, as these products can favor infections, diseases and even smell worse.

Extremely embarrassed, many women do not understand how the bad smell arises because, for the most part, they take good care of the region. But the main cause of the disease is directly related to the change in the pH of the vagina , which generates an imbalance of bacteria. What causes disharmony, however, are numerous factors, in addition to an unruly diet, excessive hygiene or lack of hygiene, or even the use of antibiotics prescribed for urinary tract infection or sinusitis.

An untreated infection in the Vaginal  region can progress to a very serious condition, such as pelvic inflammation  that can affect the uterus, tubes and ovaries. This type of inflammation  can even cause ectopic pregnancy, pelvic pain, and infertility. Treating the infection, however, is relatively easy but must be accompanied by a doctor.

Often, when the disease has no symptoms, it ends up healing spontaneously, but even so, when the disease is found in one of the visits to the gynecologist, treatment must be carried out until symptoms do not appear. But, before starting a treatment, it is necessary to investigate what are the factors that are causing the lack of control of the bacteria there in the region.

For gynecologist Flávia, interviewed by Bolsa de Mulher, the process is as follows: “After finding out what is changing the pH of the vagina , we need to look for measures to restore the flora. Generally the use of foods with probiotics such as yogurts and milks are indicated”. So, check out  How to Permanently End Vaginal Odor in 10 Minutes:

Causes of Vagina Odor:

  • bacterial vaginosis
  • trichomoniasis
  • candidiasis

How to Prevent Vagina Odor:

  • Always wash your vagina  with intimate soaps, avoiding the use of other products that could alter the delicate bacterial flora in this region.
  • It is important to wash your vagina  daily, further improving cleanliness during menstruation days.
  • On these days you should change the tampon or tampon frequently, at least three times a day, as its prolonged use produces a bad vaginal odor .
  • Dry the intimate area very well after bathing; excess moisture favors the growth of fungi and bacteria.
  • Always clean and wash the Vaginal  region from front to back, this will prevent bacteria located in the anus from coming into contact with the vagina .
  • It is not recommended to go too far with hygiene or it could cause the good bacteria located in the area to disappear, allowing infections to affect the area more easily.
  • If you are sexually active, you may want to wash the area after intercourse.

Home Remedy  to Permanently End Vaginal Odor in 10 Minutes!  and solve hundreds of other problems:



  • Put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in a liter of  warm water in a basin.
  • Sit down and keep your intimate part submerged in this water  for at least 20 minutes, then you can rinse normally and dry well.
  • Repeat once a day until the bad smell in the vagina  disappears, which should take no more than a week.
  • If there is no end of the bad smell in the vagina , see your doctor.



  • Dissolve a tablespoon of baking soda in a liter of  hot water .
  • Pour into a basin with warm water  and take a sitz bath for 30 minutes.
  • You can repeat up to twice a day for a week.

Note:  If the symptom does not disappear within a week, look for your doctor .

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