How to know the sex of the baby step by step!

How to know the sex of the baby quickly and naturally because it is not always possible to know the sex of the baby still in the mother’s womb. Sometimes ultrasound doesn’t give us a quick answer because the baby’s genitals haven’t developed yet.

It is only after 16 completed weeks of gestation that the sexual organs are developed. But the baby has to cooperate in the position. If the position is not favorable, the sonographer should warn that it is not possible to be sure and advise the pregnant woman to wait for the 20-week ultrasound (the so-called morphological ultrasound).

Therefore, in this video, we are going to teach you how to do a home test so you can find out as soon as possible if the baby is a boy or a girl.

Knowing the sex of the child is very important for parents who are anxious and have great desires to buy clothes, toys and decorate the room in a very personalized way.

The trick we are going to deal with is little known, although it is quite efficient. In addition, the initial experiment was done with 31 pregnant women. The result was satisfactory in 22 of them.

How to know the sex of the baby?


– Sodium bicarbonate ;
– 2 clear disposable cups;
– First morning urine.

Preparation mode:

  1. We will use the cups to measure, as all the ingredients must have the same amount.
  2. In a glass, place the bicarbonate of soda .
  3. In the other, put the same amount of urine (first in the morning).
  4. Once that’s done, put the urine in the bicarbonate of soda cup.

Without messing/mixing the elements, note:

  • If the mixture results in a lot of bubbles, then you are expecting a child.
  • If the mixture results in few bubbles, then you are probably expecting a daughter.


The test is not foolproof and its effectiveness is based on probabilities. According to popular wisdom, there are other ways that can help, such as observing the shape of the belly.

If your belly, for example, is more pointed, then the baby is probably male. Otherwise, if it’s more rounded, it’s a little girl. However, ultrasound testing is more accurate and reliable.

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