How to Increase Testosterone Fast and Naturally

How To Increase Testosterone Fast And Naturally With Just These Amazing Tips. Furthermore, without a doubt, the question of how to increase testosterone in men is the most pronounced when it comes to maximizing muscle mass and promoting optimal physical recovery.

The following recommendations are healthy guidelines to improve the hormonal environment that is prone to the correct production of this important hormone.

Factors that influence muscle mass gain:

There are many factors when determining how much muscle your body will produce, such as:

  1. Training;
  2. Nutrition ;
  3. Rest;

These variables are mainly the ones that every bodybuilder who respects himself must respect if his goal is to gain muscle , they will be the pillar to maintain his sports planning.

However, there are also other points that deal with this problem, and it is none other than the hormones involved, and in particular a very important one: testosterone.

Testosterone benefits:

  1. Increase muscle size and strength ;
  2. Reduces fat levels ;
  3. Increases sexual stamina and associated stamina;
  4. Improves mood;
  5. Allows you to lower LDL cholesterol (commonly called “ bad cholesterol ”);

Tips to increase testosterone levels:

Let’s get to know the most relevant points on how to increase testosterone release.

To do this, we will emphasize the points mentioned above, giving the corresponding guidance on what are the most relevant aspects for this improvement.

Despite being a genetically marked factor, it is true that through the following points we can change our endogenous levels, increasing the amount of testosterone we generate.


Prioritize basic or multi- joint exercises , these being squats, bench presses and military. Add exercises with your own body weight, you can also add weight to increase intensity, such as push-ups or lower body push-ups.

For each exercise with its corresponding angle variables, use weight to increase the load and generate greater intensity.

All these exercises will cause great stress to the body, so it is necessary to release a large amount of testosterone to “repair” the damage caused.

Optimize Your Effort:

That is, seek the balance between intensity and frequency. It is true that not every day you will be able to train respecting this point, but it is also true that you do not need to properly train weight training daily.

You can propose a full body training plan, dividing the week into 3 training days, and where each of those days you focus on a basic exercise, training hard.

Train Legs:

It’s one of the biggest stimuli you can put on your body. Squats are the best option “when you don’t know what to train”. Try 10 reps ten times… You can also add an extra leg day to your calendar. In the end, you will see great results in a short amount of time.


While it might seem the other way around, this type of training generates much higher levels of testosterone after training than conventional cardio. Running a sprint is the number one option for running “anabolic cardio” and if you’re looking to increase muscle size and reduce your fat percentage .

When we talk about each high-speed racing match, it’s about giving the maximum in each series, with this the time is reduced considerably, but taking advantage of the excellent work done.


Food is very important for the correct hormonal unfolding. There are certain foods that, due to their nature, promote greater endogenous production of testosterone, such as omega 3 essential fatty acid and its anabolic potential.

Within the types of fats , despite their “bad reputation”, saturated fats are related to hormone production between cholesterol and testosterone.


We can add in this section supplementation with sports nutrition products that aim to improve and optimize hormone levels and even increase them naturally, known as Pro-Testosterone Natural Anabolics.

These supplements help resolve any nutritional deficiencies and stimulate natural production. In this way, we can find supplements such as zinc , magnesium , aspartic acid, testofen, ginger or Ashwagandha.


The pace of training combined with work causes us not to get enough rest, and this contributes to poor hormone production. Daily stress generates higher cortisol spikes, lowering testosterone.

Useful links: 

Likewise, lack of sleep is critical as it is during this (REM) phase of rest and relaxation when testosterone peaks are reached.

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