How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with This Simple Recipe

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks with This Simple Recipe is one of the best ways to get rid of stretch marks naturally. In addition, stretch marks are characterized by a rupture of the elastic fibers of the skin, formed by collagen and elastin (responsible for its elasticity and tonicity). Stretch marks affect both men and women, adults, adolescents and even children, women can still develop stretch marks during pregnancy. Stretch marks are usually common on the breasts, thighs, buttocks, hips and breeches. Also, about 90% of women develop stretch marks during pregnancy.Types of Stretch Marks:  There are two types of Stretch Marks , Recent Stretch Marks and Old Stretch Marks . When the striae are recent they are pink or red, the old ones are whiter. Red stretch marks are recent, and may present a slight itching and are accompanied by a local inflammatory process. As for the white ones, as they are older, a more intense atrophy of collagen and elastic fibers has already occurred ,  and there is no inflammation involved. In people with dark or black skin, stretch marks can appear with a darker color than their skin tone.

Causes of Stretch Marks: Stretch  marks can arise from various situations, and you must be careful that these situations do not result in the appearance of stretch marks . A certain sudden stretching is the main cause of stretch marks , and it can be caused by several reasons, check out:

  • Concertina effect
  • Rapid growth
  • hormonal imbalance
  • Excessive Exercise
  • Pregnancy
  • skin dryness

Stretch Marks Treatment:  The effectiveness of the treatment will depend on the stage the stretch marks  are in, where the stretch marks  are and their thickness. It is important to remember that there is still no complete cure for the stretches, but there is a significant improvement in its appearance, making it almost imperceptible. The patient’s genetics, race, age and individual collagen production are factors that also influence the success of treatment.

But with the help of a recipe, which has been improving the appearance of stretch marks around the world, you will get rid of stretch marks in a few days. So check out now how  to get rid of stretch marks with this simple recipe:

Coffee Grounds To Eliminate Stretch Marks:



  • Just rub the coffee grounds on the regions affected by stretch marks , for a few minutes, until the skin becomes red .
  • Then wash the area with warm water , to help open the pores and make it easier for the moisturizer to work.
  • Then apply the moisturizer.
  • Use this Simple Recipe for at least 1 week to get satisfactory results.

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