Use this to get rid of knee pain fast!

For most athletes, the knee is the most important joint in the body. With it, we can run, squat, sit and perform several other common movements in everyday life. Therefore, injuring the knee is always a big problem. Unfortunately, with many activities, the pressure on the knees is great and this results in knee deterioration – especially among the elderly. In this article, we will give you a way to differentiate it from traditional pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories.

It refers to a natural medicine that alleviates pain. However, first of all, try to review your routine and find out the cause of this discomfort. Consult a good doctor, investigate. Usually, the pain is the result of an injury, overexertion, weight gain, or arthritis.

If you are overweight, make sure your knees are supporting most of your weight. This means that obese people tend to wear out this region much more than those who are lighter. Check out how to get rid of knee pain now .

How to get rid of knee pain:


– 1 egg yolk .
– 2 teaspoons of Himalayan salt or other whole salt; never with common salt.

Useful links: 

Preparation mode:

  1. Mix the two ingredients and mix well.
  2. With the help of a piece of cotton, pass the mixture on the knees, fixing the cotton with an elastic band.
  3. Let it act for 2 hours and then remove.
  4. Repeat the procedure four times a day.
  5. The recipe works because whole salt, thanks to the presence of magnesium, is able to fight inflammation and relieve pain.
  6. Egg yolk provides the body with vitamins and minerals, strengthening bones, tissues and ligaments.
  7. If desired, apply an ice cube to the joints 4 or 5 times a day.
  8. And, to reinforce, apply mustard essential oil (sold in health food stores).

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