How to Get Rid of Foot Smell in 20 Minutes

How to get rid of foot odor in 20 minutes in a simple and 100% natural way. In addition, foot odor and other body odors usually appear after puberty and occur due to the action of bacteria on the sweat of certain regions of the body. In this text we are going to talk about how foot odor arises , what are the factors that favor the bad smell in the feet and what are the possible treatments to end the foot odor .

What is the Cause of Foot Foot Soot:  It is really very difficult, even more so,  foot odor  is not always caused by lack of hygiene, even though this is one of the most common reasons for its appearance. There are cases where excessive sweating on the  feet  or other disorders can cause the problem in a chronic way and, in these cases, the bad smell is felt even in some circumstances where shoes are not removed!

How to Get Rid of Foot Foot odor:  Now that you know the causes of foot odor , it is easier to plan your treatment. Two steps are essential: reducing the moisture of the feet and the number of bacteria on the skin . Some very simple attitudes can solve the problem of foot odor in less intense cases. Avoid wearing the same shoe for days in a row. The ideal is to rotate 2 or 3 pairs of shoes throughout the week. Shoes not worn during the day should always be kept in well-ventilated areas, and if possible, exposed to the sun for a few hours.

Whenever possible, give preference to lighter shoes that allow better ventilation of the feet . Everyone has had that shoe that is great to wear, but that feels like a foot factory . These are usually made with more insulating material, such as rubber or plastic, which prevent the feet from ventilating and favor the proliferation of bacteria. Avoid wearing shoes without socks as they help absorb moisture. Shoes without socks tend to cause more foot odor .

When wearing socks, the best ones are thin and made with cotton. If you sweat a lot, change your socks at least once a day. If you notice that your feet feel damp at the end of the day, try using baby powder in your socks and shoes to help absorb the moisture. Some talcum powders are antiseptic and have a scent, which helps even more to get rid of foot odor . When at home, prefer to walk barefoot or in flip-flops rather than with socks and/or closed shoes. So, check out  how to get rid of foot odor in 20 minutes.

How to Get Rid of Foot Feet in 20 Minutes with Salt Water: Salt strips your skin of moisture , reducing the amount of bacteria that can survive there.


  • 1 large bathtub or basin.
  • warm water.
  • Sal.
  • vinegar.


  • In a bathtub or large bowl of warm water, dissolve 1/2 to 1 cup of salt.
  • Soak your feet for 20 minutes .
  • Do this every day for two weeks.
  • Add some vinegar

If you want to create an environment inhospitable to bacteria, wash your feet well in vinegar. It has a drying effect making the bacteria starve. Mix one part vinegar with two parts water in a bowl or large bowl. Soak your feet for 30 minutes once a day for a week.

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