How to get rid of dry cough: how to use, make, recipe and tips

How to get rid of dry cough naturally, without leaving home. Also, most people, or a family member, have had a dry cough during an episode of the common cold.

And suffering from a bothersome Dry Cough disrupts our everyday life and prevents us from sleeping peacefully.

That’s why we need the best care for our loved ones and for ourselves, which allows us to regain well-being in a way we know and trust to end dry cough.

dry cough can cause long-term complications to the vocal cords and the person feels hoarseness and even aphonia (loss of voice), in addition to muscle fatigue in the diaphragm and chest muscles.

In extreme cases, dry cough can cause rib fractures or perforation of the trachea, bronchi, and lungs, leading to serious and life-threatening complications called pneumomediastinum and pneumothorax.

Causes of dry cough

Dry cough can be caused by several factors, including the following points:

  • Diseases that are caused by gastric reflux.
  • Medication side effect.
  • Allergy attacks constantly.
  • Various environmental or chemical factors to which the affected person is exposed (excessive dust, cigarette smoke, air conditioners at very low temperatures).
  • Irritation in the airways caused due to a cold or flu.

Home remedies to treat dry cough

Dry cough can be a simple problem, however it can develop into something much more serious, so at the first symptoms look for some home remedies to stop dry cough .

Honey, Lemon and Propolis Syrup

Homemade Honey Lemon Syrup and Propolis is great for moisturizing and relieving throat irritation, which helps to get rid of dry cough, to prepare it you need:


Preparation mode:

  • In a glass jar with a lid, add the honey and lemon juice and add the drops of propolis extract.
  • Stir well with a spoon to mix all the ingredients well.

This syrup should be taken 3 to 4 times a day or whenever your throat feels dry and scratchy, for a few days until the symptoms disappear.

Lemon is rich in vitamin C which helps to strengthen the immune system, while honey moisturizes and soothes the throat.

Propolis extract is a natural remedy with anti-inflammatory action, which helps to relieve sore throat and end dry cough .

Eucalyptus Tea with Honey

Eucalyptus is a medicinal plant widely used for the treatment of flu and colds, as well as for the treatment of respiratory problems such as asthma or bronchitis, being an excellent natural remedy to end dry cough . To prepare a tea with this plant you need:


Preparation mode:

  • Place the eucalyptus leaves and honey in a cup and cover with boiling water.
  • Let it rest for 10 to 15 minutes and strain.

This tea can be taken 3 to 4 times a day, and to prepare this home remedy to get rid of a dry cough , Eucalyptus essential oil can also be used, adding 3 to 6 drops in place of the dried leaves.

Note: Dry cough is the body’s defense against irritations that occur in the respiratory system.

But it can also be a sign of more serious diseases like lung cancer.

Therefore, if dry cough persists for more than 3 consecutive days, seek medical attention.

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