How to cure sinus infection with apple cider vinegar?

How To Cure Sinus Infection With Apple Cider Vinegar Efficiently And Naturally Because not being able to breathe well affects our daily life and makes us feel tired. Even more so when this problem occurs with other symptoms, such as fever, headache and runny nose. This kind of discomfort can even leave you in bed due to the weakness it causes.

Let’s take advantage of a gift from nature to fight this infection: apple cider vinegar . This type of vinegar has many health benefits, so our recommendation is that you always have it in your pantry. But how does it act on sinusitis? We’ll tell you later. First, let’s define the condition.

What is sinusitis?

Sinusitis, popular as rhinosinusitis, is an inflammation of the soft tissues of the paranasal sinuses. It is classified as acute if it lasts a few days and chronic if it persists for more than 12 weeks.

It has different causes. On an anatomical level, it may be due to deviated septum or very large turbinates. Smoking, allergies and bacterial infections are also some of the causes. sinus infection is often confused with the common cold ; however, it is much more complex.

Differences between a common cold and sinusitis:

Cold and sinusitis have several symptoms in common, such as fever, runny nose, post-nasal drip, nasal congestion, and headache . However, the infection is more complex than the common cold . When you are not sure whether you suffer from one or the other, pay attention to the color of the secretions, there is the most important difference.

When you catch a cold , the post-nasal discharge and drip are sharp and clear. In turn, sinusitis is characterized by being thick and yellowish. The first condition persists for a period of three to ten days, while the second persists for more than ten days.

Also, a cold is caused by a virus and a sinus infection is caused by bacteria. There are some cases where the latter is a complication of the former.

How to cure sinusitis with apple cider vinegar?

Apple cider vinegar has many health benefits. With it, you can treat discomfort, such as gastric reflux, or even use it as a hair tonic to make your hair healthy.

In the particular case of sinusitis treatment, it is very effective. But how does it act specifically?

  • Dilute to mucous membrane;
  • Strengthens the immune system ;
  • Clarifies nasal cavities;
  • Prevents the growth of bacteria.

Apple Cider Vinegar Rinse:


– 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar (30 ml);
– 1 glass of water (200 ml).

Preparation method:

  1. Take a pan and heat the equivalent of a glass of water. Don’t let it get too hot;
  2. Then turn off the water and add the two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar . Mix well until it is diluted;
  3. To apply it, you just need the help of a cotton swab or gauze soaked in the mixture;
  4. Then clean your nasal cavities with this very carefully. This will help you to dilute the mucus accumulated in the nasal passage and clear it;
  5. In this way, you will prevent the accumulation of bacteria that can make the condition worse.

You can also try this other sinus infection home remedy:


– ½ teaspoon of powdered ginger (2.5 g);
– 3 tablespoons of honey (75 g);
– ¼ cup of apple cider vinegar (62.5 ml);
– ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper (2.5 g);
– juice of ½ lemon .

Preparation method:

  1. Add the apple cider vinegar and the juice of half a lemon in a pan and bring to a boil;
  2. Then turn off and add the ginger , cayenne pepper and honey. Mix well and pour the preparation into a glass jar;
  3. Drink 2 tablespoons of the preparation every day. This will help reduce sinus inflammation, decongest your sinus cavities, and fight infection.

With these natural options, you will relieve your sinus infection symptoms and heal quickly. Also, before starting any of these alternative treatments, remember to look for an ENT or specialist to authorize it.

Useful links: 

Also, you need to treat the infection in time to avoid complications. Go ahead and try natural alternatives. Regain your breath and quality of life thanks to the powerful apple cider vinegar !

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