The 3 Home Recipes to Get Big Eyelashes Naturally!
Home Recipes To Get Long Lashes Naturally in a simple and 100% natural way. Also, having big and voluminous eyelashes is the wish of many women. But everyone knows that having big eyelashes is not easy.
Some are blessed with long eyelashes and are born with this trait, but most women have thin and short eyelashes . There are already treatments and techniques on the cosmetic market to improve this condition, such as the application of false eyelashes , permanent eyelashes , among many others.
However, for those looking for a homemade solution to have long eyelashes , giving this important part of the face a boost is possible. Then check out below The Home Recipes To Get Big Eyelashes Naturally.
Stimulate Growth and Get Big Lashes: To get big lashes , buy a brush for them and comb them at least twice a day if you have big lashes . Just like with our hair, brushing them makes them have big eyelashes.
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Just like skin and hair , eyelashes also need to be hydrated in order for them to stay healthy and have long eyelashes . To have long eyelashes , using a few ingredients regularly can maintain this hydration and, consequently, result in large and charming eyelashes .
Vaseline for Naturally Longer Lashes: Although its use is controversial, as it is derived from petroleum, it is the most commonly used substance to naturally maintain long eyelashes . Inexpensive and very affordable, the product promises to do wonders for getting great eyelashes .
It should be applied at night, before bed, with a cotton swab. in the morning, it must be removed, washing your eyes well with neutral soap will see your big eyelashes in a few days.
Naturally Get Big Lashes with Olive Oil: Olivia’s oil isthe darling of healthy cooking, it’s also effective for aesthetic treatment to have big lashes .
In the same way as Vaseline, it should be applied before going to bed, always taking care not to leave excesses that could run into the eyes . It should also be completely removed the next morning and you will notice your big eyelashes .
Castor Oil For Naturally Big Eyelashes: Castor oil has properties that strengthen and moisturize the eyelashes , and stimulate their growth thus having big eyelashes. Just like Olivia’s olive oil and Vaseline, it should be applied before bed and removed in the morning in a few days to get big lashes .
Chamomile Tea For Naturally Longer Lashes: To have long eyelashes with chamomile tea , simply clean your face by removing all makeup, then make a cotton compress with chamomile tea and apply it on your eyelids. Repeat daily. The result can be seen in a month with and powerful lashes .
For Naturally Big Eyelashes with Mixed Juice: Carrot , orange , flower pollen and nutmeg are ingredients with generous doses of vitamins responsible for nourishing eyelashes so with their consumption you will achieve great eyelashes .
Blend six carrots , a spoonful of nutmeg , four oranges and two spoons of flower pollen in a blender. Drink it daily in the morning, for two months you will notice your big eyelashes naturally.
In addition to using homemade recipes that stimulate growth and keep your eyelashes long , it is important to take some care so that they are not damaged on a day – to – day basis and always have beautiful lashes and large eyelashes . Care to Keep Big Eyelashes :
- Always remove all makeup from the eye area and avoid prolonged use of mascara.
- Do not rub your eyes .
- Avoid the eyelash curler .
- Abuse of foods that contain keratin and vitamin C.
- Avoid consumption of fats.
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All these tips and care for having long eyelashes aim to help you, with homemade techniques, to keep your eyelashes big and voluminous. However, if despite this you notice a sharp drop in your eyelashes , it is recommended to seek the help of a dermatologist so that he can make a diagnosis and prescribe the best treatment for this problem.