Homemade cream with camphor to eliminate cellulite and firm the skin!

homemade cream with camphor to eliminate cellulite and firm the skin in a simple and effective way, as this condition is a problem that affects a large part of the female population, women are very concerned about the appearance of their legs and buttocks, use a smooth and free body cellulite is everyone ‘s goal.

So, if you are tired of getting expensive treatments and buying creams that don’t solve it, I have an effective and easy to make solution, it’s a homemade cream that will help you get rid of orange skin with super simple steps.

Do not doubt what I tell you, just put it to the test and you will see that in a short time these knots will disappear and you will see your skin beautiful and soft, without a doubt get ready to show a body free of cellulite .

In addition, the ingredients are completely natural and affordable, what makes the preparation more attractive is that you certainly have them at home, take note and follow the steps to prepare it.

Homemade cream with camphor:

This cream offers fabulous results, if you combine it with exercises such as walking or cycling, running or dancing, it will be more effective, drink lots of water and eat healthy, remember that cellulite is formed by the accumulation of toxins and excess sugar and fat, try to reduce your intake.

  • Eat green foods and low-sugar drinks, eat fruits and vegetables, salads are very rich and provide energy.
  • If this is not your case, please share this important information, women are always concerned about maintaining a beautiful body, but some women due to lack of time or different occupations do not have enough time to go to a gym.
  • Be counted and disciplined, this is the basis for a good result.

Homemade cream with camphor to eliminate cellulite and firm the skin:

Learn how you can prepare this cream that completely eliminates cellulite


– Alcohol;
– Camphor;
– Vaporubs;
– Sodium bicarbonate;

Useful links: 

Preparation method:

  1. Mix all the ingredients in a container until it forms a kind of paste.
  2. Then store it in a plastic pot with a lid. You will get a homogeneous mixture.
  3. Apply to desired areas with circular movements.
  4. Then massage for 15 to 28 minutes.
  5. Repeat twice a day, preferably in the morning and at night before bed.

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