Home Remedy To Fight Herpes In A Few Days

The Home Remedy To Fight Herpes In A Few Days is simple and 100% natural. In addition, Herpes is an inflammation of the skin that manifests itself through blisters , caused by a virus and transmitted by physical contact, the disease predominantly affects the lips, groin and genitals. As there is no cure, the problem must be controlled. Maintaining a healthy diet and avoiding stressful situations are some options, as herpes appears whenever the immune system is weakened.

Cold sores and genital herpes  are infectious and contagious diseases caused by one of the virus subtypes of the human herpes virus family, consisting of 8 different subtypes. Each subtype of the Herpes virus causes diseases that are completely different from each other, such as chickenpox (varicella), herpes simplex and infectious mononucleosis, for example.

Herpes Symptoms:  Most people infected with genital herpes may not have symptoms. When there are symptoms of Herpes , the main ones are:

Cold sores:  This type of disease is considered the herpes simplex type . Cold  sores can be caused by direct contact with people who were already infected, through kissing or oral sex. This type is the easiest to treat and if diagnosed early, it can be cured. The main symptoms of  cold  sores are:

Genital Herpes: Genital  herpes is a sexually transmitted disease. It can be easily prevented with the use of condoms, however, you need to be very careful with oral sex, it can cause cold sores. When the virus is present in Organs genitals, it causes a lot of discomfort, characterized by:

  • Pain and irritation between 5 to 10 days after sexual intercourse that caused the infection
  • red spots
  • Genital lesions and blisters
  • shells
  • Ulcers that can bleed
  • Muscle aches
  • Headaches
  • malaise in general

This type of disease usually affects women more, due to greater exposure of mucosa in the vagina .

Herpes Zoster:  Herpes zoster is a viral infection that affects any part of the body. It is mainly caused by contact with infected people. Although it is not a serious disease, it can cause problems with movement and discomfort in the affected limb. The vaccine prevents infection, however, after contamination it has no effect. Identifying the symptoms is important to start the treatment quickly.

  • Red spots on the body
  • Chills
  • gastrointestinal discomfort
  • Tickling and itching in areas of the body
  • Appearance of whitish or yellowish blisters
  • Headaches , fever and malaise

This type can be considered a herpes simplex and affects many people. Once cold sores develop, it can cause small, very painful blisters in the mouth area . In the case of genital herpes , it can be said that it is caused by the transmission of the HSV 1 and HSV2 viruses. Usually this type is transmitted mainly through sexual intercourse without the use of protections, even when there are no lesions with active virus.

Doctors say that genital herpes would be one of the most common sexually transmitted diseases, which only emphasizes the need to prevent and pay attention to the first symptoms. If you have been diagnosed with herpes , you already know that you will have to live with the disease for several years and sometimes your entire life. To prevent lesions in the vagina , penis or lips from appearing, you must always take care of your health.

Currently, home remedies such as Home Remedy to Fight Herpes in Few Days and lifestyle changes are enough to strengthen the body and prevent symptoms from appearing. However, the person will forever need to take double care during sexual intercourse.

The problem is that most doctors only indicate the changes that need to be made, without giving all the support necessary for you to be able to transform your habits to live with the disease in a safe and healthy way. So, check out the complete Home Remedy Recipe to Fight Herpes in Few Days.


  • ½ tablespoon fresh burdock leaves
  • ½ cup (tea) of water
  • ½ cup of honey


  • Boil the burdock and water for 10 minutes.
  • Turn off the heat, wait to cool and strain. Add the honey and mix well.
  • Take 3 tablespoons per day.

Contraindications:  Children and people with diarrhea should not consume Home Remedy To Combat Herpes In A Few Days , especially burdock .

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