Home remedies to fight boils at home
News of the week:
Risk Factors: Anyone can develop boils , but there are some risk factors that contribute to the appearance of these nodules. Look:
- Physical contact with people who have a boil
- Diabetes , which makes it difficult for antibodies to act against the bacteria causing the infection
- Skin conditions such as acne and eczema make it easier for boils to develop
- Compromised immunity makes it difficult for the body to react to infections . Patients with the HIV virus are more susceptible to boils
- Obesity also increases the incidence of injuries.
Boil Symptoms: Boils can appear anywhere on the body but are most common on the face, neck , armpits , buttocks , and thighs. A boil may start as a swollen, tender, pinkish-red lump. Over time, it will look like a balloon filled with water or a cyst. The pain gets worse as it fills with pus and dead tissue and increases when it is drained. It is possible for the boil to drain on its own.
The most common symptoms of a boil are:
- The appearance of a red, painful, pus-filled lump
- Redness and sweating of the skin around the abscess
- Gradual growth in the size of the nodule as it fills with pus
- Emergence of a yellowish area in the central part of the boil , which may eventually rupture, allowing pus to leak out
- Fatigue, malaise, itching before the boil develops, and fever .
A boil can heal on its own after a period of itching and mild pain or with Home Remedies to Fight Boils at Home More often than not, they become more painful when pus accumulates. Generally, the boil needs to open up and be drained in order to heal completely. So, check out The Home Remedy to Fight Boils at Home.
- fresh burdock leaves
- 2 pomegranate leaves
Useful links:
- Mash 3 fresh burdock leaves and 2 fresh pomegranate leaves until incorporated.
- Apply the mixture on the affected area and leave it for 30 minutes. Repeat up to 5 times a day