Home remedies to cure cough at home!

Home remedies to cure cough at home in a simple and very natural way. In addition, to Cure that annoying cough that sometimes doesn’t let you sleep, it’s very complicated but we will use home remedies to put an end to this evil. Cough is a natural defense mechanism, which allows the protection of the respiratory system, with the removal of unwanted substances or foreign bodies.

Cough can be a symptom of a variety of health problems , from a common cold to bronchitis or emphysema. It is important to pay close attention to what symptoms are accompanied by the cough and seek medical advice so that a diagnosis is established and you can Cure Cough .

Remembering that these remedies do not eliminate the need for a medical evaluation, but in some cases, home remedies can be very beneficial to Cure Cough .

Here are some of the main causes of coughing:

Cough symptoms:

Cough is already considered a symptom of some disease or irritation. However, there are some symptoms that are most commonly linked to it and that may explain its cause, such as:

  • Nasal secretion ( coryza );
  • Wheezing in the chest;
  • Shortness of breathe;
  • Coughing up blood;
  • Bitter taste in the mouth;
  • fever ;
  • Chest pain.

The most common causes are the flu and colds, because they irritate the upper respiratory tract and produce mucus that must somehow be eliminated. We will introduce you to some home remedies for cough . People begin to suffer the first signs with the arrival of autumn. That’s why we shouldn’t ignore this information.

Home remedies to cure cough at home:

1. Tea with lemon and honey: 

You may have heard that honey is good for your throat . Now imagine drinking tea with lemon and honey? This combination is very positive for those who suffer from a sore throat or are experiencing coughing . Some people prefer to add garlic in the recipe, in which case, it would be just to chop two cloves of garlic and put it in hot water. It is recommended to take during the day and/or before bed.

2. Hot soup:

Hot broth and soups are soothing to the throat and particularly helpful in relieving the cough that accompanies colds and flu . Chicken soup is the most popular, but studies show that it’s the soup’s spicy ingredients like onions, garlic , ginger, and black pepper that do the trick, so any soup that contains these should work.

As you drink the hot soup, the steam containing the volatile active agents in these herbs enters your airways and loosens the mucus, while the hot liquid soothes your throat . Drinking lots of broth and soup also helps boost hydration levels.

3. Onion juice:

Onion is a milder alternative to garlic , but it contains many organosulfide compounds and flavonoid polyphenols that give it excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Onion juice is particularly helpful in treating bronchitis and helps to relieve productive coughs by relieving mucus. It can also inhibit bacterial growth in the throat , easing painful coughing .

4. Lemon and honey:

If Night Cough attacks are killing your sleep and disturbing others, let lemon juice and honey come to your rescue. This light drink can be taken before bedtime to soothe your throat and keep your respiratory tract well hydrated overnight. Mix the juice of a small lemon and two tablespoons of honey with warm water and drink it. It helps to relieve mucus and facilitates its appearance.

5. Licorice:

Licorice is the root of a legume plant Glycyrrhiza glabra native to parts of Europe and Asia. The dried roots of this plant have been used as a traditional cough remedy . Children are usually given a stick of licorice to chew on to prevent coughing . In fact, licorice gifts grew out of this practice, although the ones you have today don’t have real licorice, just sugar.

6. Gargle with salt water:

Salt has been used as an anti-infective and anti-inflammatory agent since time immemorial; indeed, papyri from Egypt dated 1699 BC contain recipes for salt treatments. Dental surgeons still recommend gargling with a salt solution after surgical procedures to prevent infections and promote faster healing. When you gargle with saline, a temporary rise in pH makes it harder for bacteria to survive.

7. Garlic tea:

It can be unpleasant to get the smell of garlic in your mouth, but alternative medicine always advises garlic as a natural antibiotic, capable of reducing inflammation and ending cough caused by cold or flu.


  • You will need 1 clove of garlic ,
  • 1 cinnamon bark and 2 cloves.

Preparation mode:

  • Mix everything except the garlic in ½ liter of water and boil.
  • After 5 minutes, mix in the crushed garlic ;
  • Turn off the heat and wait 10 minutes.

8. Carrot Juice:

For that cough with phlegm, one of the best home remedies is to make a carrot juice with guaco and add the peppermint leaf.


How to make:

  • Strain and drink 20 ml several times a day.

Both guaco and carrots contain expectorant and bronchodilator properties that contribute to better breathing because they eliminate phlegm. Peppermint works as an anti-inflammatory.

9. Guaco and carrot:

Guaco is widely used for coughs , as it contains bronchodilator and expectorant properties that help eliminate excess phlegm in the chest and free up the passage of air for you to breathe better.


Preparation mode

  • Blend the ingredients in the blender.
  • After strain and sweeten with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Drink 20 ml of the juice several times a day.

10. Mint tea:

Antiseptic, analgesic and mildly soothing, mint can also be used as a natural remedy for a dry cough . In addition to its properties being great for relieving coughs , mint also helps with the digestive system and against bad breath.

How to make:

  • Use mint leaves to make an infusion in a cup of boiled water.
  • Strain and sweeten with honey.

These were the 10 Home Remedies to Relieve Cough . If the cough persists for longer, be sure to see a doctor. The natural recipes in this content do not replace a more appropriate treatment in case the cough is caused by a more serious illness.

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