The 7 recipes for teas to dry belly at home!
Tea recipes to dry belly at home are great options to help with diet to lose weight. In addition, teas to lose weight are a great resource to complete the diet, for those who want to not only lose weight, but also deflate and lose belly, in addition to being a great homemade and natural option.
Ginger tea, mate tea with lemon and green tea are some of the indicated teas as they help with fluid retention, satiate the appetite and increase metabolism, helping to burn fat.
In addition, a pinch of Cayenne Pepper is a great option that can be added to any of the teas to lose weight, as it is easy to use and helps to increase metabolism even more, favoring fat burning.
This alternative, 100% natural, is dry belly teas. However, it is important to note that not all teas can promote the effect you want, that is, eliminate unwanted fat. Only a few of them are really effective and they can be called belly dry tea. Then see The 7 Recipes of Teas for Dry Belly at Home.
1. Ginger, cloves and cinnamon:
This belly dry tea is highly effective for those who want to burn fat and have more energy during training, because the ingredients that make it up are thermogenic, that is, they have the ability to increase metabolism and calorie expenditure and fat burning. It is one of the strongest teas out there.
The ideal is to consume only two cups of tea daily of this combination. The method of preparing this tea is to put 1 cinnamon stick and 10 cloves in 500 ml of boiling water and let it cook for 5 minutes.
As soon as you remove the tea from the heat, add the grated ginger to taste and let the infusion act for 3 minutes before drinking it.
2. Hibiscus:
Hibiscus tea can become a great ally in the process of weight loss and elimination of fat located in the abdominal region, as long as it is prepared and ingested correctly. That’s because hibiscus is rich in antioxidant substances and extremely effective when it comes to fighting fluid retention.
The method of preparing this dry belly tea is simple, all you need to do is put 200ml of water on the fire, as soon as it starts to boil you need to put 1 tablespoon of hibiscus in the water and cover the pan. Let the infusion rest for up to 10 minutes and then drink it while it is still hot. It is recommended to drink this tea only twice a day.
3. Green tea:
That green tea is a great ally in the weight loss process, everyone already knows, but what many are unaware of is that it is only really effective when ingested correctly, mainly due to the fact that it is an excellent thermogenic and accelerates metabolism.
The best way to prepare this tea is to bring 1 liter of water to the fire and as soon as it starts to boil, you turn off the fire and put 20 g of green tea in the water. Let it act for 10 minutes and take the tea to the blender and add 3 slices of pineapple. Once you get a homogeneous mixture, strain and ingest the tea 4 times a day.
4. Passion fruit tea:
Many associate this tea only with its soothing power, however it can be very effective in eliminating fat from the abdominal region as well, as it has substances that help the body to retain less sugar and promote the feeling of satiety.
To make the recipe for this dry belly tea you will need to melt 10 tablespoons of sugar and add 1 liter of water, when it starts to burn.
Then add 5 cloves, 2 cinnamon sticks, passion fruit seed and pulp and pieces of 1 apple. Stir well and boil for 10 minutes, turn off the heat and drink while still hot.
5. Rosemary tea:
Rosemary belly dry tea helps in the slimming process by improving the functioning of the intestine and digestion. The proper functioning of this digestive system is essential for increasing weight loss, as your body begins to better absorb nutrients and eliminate waste that impedes its proper functioning.
To prepare this tea and enjoy the benefits of this tea, you will need to put a cup of tea on the fire and leave it until it starts to boil. When you reach that point, you need to turn off the heat and add a teaspoon of rosemary herb and let it act for at least 10 minutes. Then just strain and drink while still hot. The ideal is to drink three cups of tea a day.
6. Ginger and lemon:
This tea is an excellent thermogenic and still has a high concentration of vitamin C, which considerably increases the immune system of those who consume it frequently. By enabling the acceleration of metabolism, this tea becomes ideal for those who want to dry the belly.
The best way to make this tea is to put 1 liter of water on the fire with 1 cup of ginger tea cut into cubes and 2 lemons cut with rind. As soon as the water boils, let the infusion act for 10 minutes and drink the tea on an empty stomach at any time of the day.
7. Senna, Mint and Lemon Tea:
This is one of the most effective teas to dry the belly, because the ingredients that compose it have a great laxative effect, which regulates intestinal functions and helps in the elimination of fat from the body.
To prepare this tea you will need to put 180ml of water on the fire, as soon as the water starts to boil, add 2 handfuls of dried senna leaves, several fresh or dried mint leaves and let it act for two minutes. Remove the mint leaves and add the lemon. Then just consume it overnight.
Teas are great allies in the fight to beat those little fats that resist all your efforts to eliminate them, whether through healthy eating or regular physical activity.